amorphous materials

Hydrogenated silicon sub-oxide film for an effective and thermal stable silicon surface passivation

Scope of the work is to get a comprehensive study on electrical and optical characteristics of SiOx:H film within the role of CO and H in the film growth and composition and on how the Oxygen additionchanges the film structure and Hydrogen inclusion in the amorphous matrix and their chemical bonding with silicon. We monitored the effective lifetime tEFF and FTIR spectraon as-deposited and thermal treated samples to understand the passivation mechanism,correlating wafer lifetime and Hydrogen inclusion in sub-oxide film.

Quantitative multi-scale characterization of single basalt fibres. Insights into strength loss mechanisms after thermal conditioning

This article presents an experimental investigation to quantify the effects of high temperature exposure (400–600 °C) on the mechanical properties of single basalt fibres. To this purpose, a combination of single edge notch tension and nanoindentation micro-pillar splitting methods was used to provide an assessment of the fracture toughness of as-received and thermally treated basalt fibres. Similar values were obtained by the two different methods, and interestingly both highlighted an increase in KIc after heat treatment, up to 22% after exposure at 600 °C for 1h (1.59±0.06MPam).

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma