
La monofagia del moderno egoista. Servitù e ‘vita activa’ in Leopardi

Il saggio prende spunto da un ricordo d’infanzia annotato nello Zibal-doneil 26 marzo 1820, che Leopardi rubrica sotto la voce “Servitori”. A partire da questo appunto, il contributo indaga la presenza del motivo della servitù, e del rap-porto servo-padrone, nel diario leopardiano e nei ricordi autobiografici raccolti nella Vita abbozzata di Silvio Sarno, intrecciandolo dapprima con le considerazioni rousseauiane sul tema (Émile e Confessions) e poi con il concetto arendtiano di ‘vita activa’.

For Love of the World: Hannah Arendt's political Legacy in an Age of Populismi

What can we still learn from Hannah Arendt’s political categories and reflections on the public realm in an era that sees the growing spread of populisms? The large critical literature on Arendt’s work has been spreading over the years a sort of standardized vision, according to which Arendt was a nostalgic and anti-modern thinker, whose aim was to rehabilitate the greek polis model against the modern decline of the public sphere, so that very few of her conceptual categories are still useful to understand contemporary phenomena.

For love of the world. Hannah Arendt's political legacy in an age of populism

What can we still learn from Hannah Arendt’s political categories and reflections on the public realm in an era that sees the growing spread of populisms? Among the large number of current debates, in the age of populist simplification and of the so-called “post-truth”, Arendt's relationship between truth, lying and politics seems to assume particular relevance.

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