Modeling “Equitable and Sustainable Well-being” (BES) Using Bayesian Networks: A Case Study of the Italian Regions

Measurement of well-being has been a highly debated topic since the end of the last century. While some specific aspects are still open issues, a multidimensional approach as well as the construction of shared and well-rooted systems of indicators are now accepted as the main route to measure this complex phenomenon. A meaningful effort, in this direction, is that of the Italian “Equitable and Sustainable Well-being” (BES) system of indicators, developed by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) and the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL).

Exploring the relationship between fertility and well-being: What is smart?

We analyse the association between fertility rates and well-being in the Italian regions in the period 2012-2017. Well-being is measured by means of the indicators of Equitable and Sustainable Well-being (BES), collected by ISTAT since 2013. We expect that the regions performing better in terms of well-being conditions are also those with the highest level of fertility. We use graphical and statistical methods in order to compare the rankings of Italian regions according to different BES domains with that according to TFR.

Fertility and well-being in the italian regions

We analyse the association between fertility rates and well-being in the Italian regions in the period 2012-2017. Well-being is measured by the indicators of Equitable and Sustainable Well-being (BES), collected by ISTAT since 2013 with the aim of evaluating the economic, social and environmental development of the society through measurement of citizens’ life quality. We expect that the regions performing better in terms of well-being conditions are also those with the highest levels of fertility.

Diffusione e vitalità delle biblioteche: un indicatore di impatto per il “Rapporto sul benessere equo e sostenibile” (BES)

Proseguiamo con questa relazione la riflessione intrapresa nel convegno del 2017 dedicato a “La biblioteca aperta: tecniche e strategie di condivisione”, nella sessione “La biblioteca pubblica nelle politiche di welfare: nuovi criteri di valutazione dell’impatto sociale” dove lanciammo quello che allora era l’inizio di un progetto Istat-Sapienza volto all’individuazione di una serie di iniziative di ricerca finalizzate alla misurazione delle biblioteche italiane, con l’obiettivo di restituirne la complessità nella duplice dimensione di fruizione (output) e impatto (outcome).

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