big data

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Epidemic Disasters. A primary Structured Literature Review

This paper presents the structured literature review of the big data and artificial intelligence in relation to the epidemic disasters among which the current SAR-COV-2. Providing a deep understanding of the state of the art, the paper drafts implications and valuable insights to manage and prevent epidemic disasters by public and private organizations drafting the research agenda. Interestingly, a two-decade study of the connection between big data, artificial intelligence and pandemic or epidemic issues is undertaken for the first time.

"Mondo reale-tradizionale" e "mondo digitale", strategie aziendali e web intelligence: il futuro del controllo e della gestione delle informazioni

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the web intelligence may influence the principal dimensions of strategic intelligence, improving the capacity to make right strategic moves. Specifically, the aim is to study the possibilities and the risks, with the related control needs, of using web data and web information in defining strat-egies in the real traditional world, and not only in defining web strategies.

Women in business and social media: implications for female entrepreneurship in Emerging Countries

The aim of this paper is to carry out a literature review on women in business and social media in order to know the state of the art and to understand whether and to what extent the studies conducted so far have addressed these issues: how and why are women entrepreneurs and managers using social media? Do they use social media for marketing, networking or personal reasons?

Digital epigraphy. Tra automazione e singolarizzazione

Recent trends in scholarship publications, public debate on newspapers, and digital projects in the humanities seem to privilege the quantitative and computational approach to historical studies, as it is considered more objective, and therefore more correct. But some examples driven from direct experience in the field of digital epigraphy show how important the human component of any digital project still is for a whole and more correct comprehension of the traces of the past.

Conoscere, valutare, interpretare la lettura di libri: dal dato statistico ai big data

Per strutturare un ragionamento sulla conoscenza della lettura di libri è indispensabile partire dallo stato dell’arte, da una descrizione dei dati che “informano” – nel senso di dare una forma – la nostra conoscenza del fenomeno: i dati statistici.Il capitolo approfondisce la natura di questa tipologia di dato passando in rassegna le indagini Istat che si occupano di lettura di libri dagli anni Sessanta ad oggi. Si passa poi ad inquadrare il tipo di conoscenza che l'analisi dei big data può determinare.

From raw data packets to ingress egress traffic matrix: the distributed mapreduce-based solution

In this work we define a framework for the assessment of the Traffic Matrix (TM) of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) network. The solution, referred to as mrT, i) is completely distributed among network nodes, ii) is based on different Map-Reduce building blocks, iii) and is able to extract the Ingress-Egress nodes traffic relationships starting from raw traces captured on node interfaces. Each network node is able to compute a row of the TM having as input the local trace and low size files sent by other network nodes.

I nuovi "persuasori occulti" e la nuova "società nuda". Una riflessione sull'opera di Vance Packard in un'epoca di big data

Il testo intende riflettere su temi quali big data, comportamento del consumatore e diritto alla privacy anche attraverso una rilettura dell’opera di Vance Packard. La rilevanza della pubblicità in tempo reale e la sottile linea di confine tra “individuo” e “consumatore” sono temi che impongono una riflessione etica sulla sopravvivenza dell’umano nel mercato.

Big data e patrimonio artistico-culturale. Stato dell'arte e "futuri possibili"

The paper is an insight into the application of big data to support the Italian artistic and cultural heritage, with special reference to the processes of enhancement and use of cultural goods and activities. International evaluation and research experiences have also been reviewed in relation to the ongoing international debate, focusing on the different research approaches of research centers and cultural institutes in Italy and abroad and in the field of official statistics.

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