
Pirosequenziatore PyroMark Q24


Il PyroMark Q24 (QIAGEN) usa la tecnologia del pirosequenziamento per il sequenziamento di DNA basato sulla sintesi (sequencing-by-synthesis, SBS). Il pirosequenziamento monitora la sintesi di DNA in tempo reale attraverso la bioluminescenza. Ogni nucleotide incorporato crea un segnale luminoso che viene registrato e convertito in sequenza nucleotidica

Proteomic analysis and bioluminescent reporter gene assays to investigate effects of simulated microgravity on Caco-2 cells

Microgravity is one of the most important features in space?ight. Previous evidence from in-vitro studies has shown that signi?cant changes occur under simulated microgravity. For thisreason, human colon adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells were selected as cell model of intestinalepithelial barrier and their response to altered gravity conditions was investigated, especially onthe protein level.

Integrated system based on thin film technologies for cell-based bioluminescence assays

This work presents a miniaturized lab-on-chip system suitable for monitoring the activity of living cells through the on-chip detection of their bioluminescence emission. The system integrates amorphous silicon diodes, acting as temperature and light sensors, and indium tin oxide film, acting as heater, on a single glass substrate. During its operation, the glass is thermally and optically coupled to the investigated cells and electrically connected to an electronic board, which controls the lab-on-chip temperature and monitors the sensor photocurrents.

On-glass integration of thin film devices for monitoring of cell bioluminescence

This paper reports the development of a miniaturized lab-on-glass,suitable for the on-chip detection of living cell bioluminescence and their on-chip thermal treatments. The glass substrate hosts, on one side, hydrogenated amorphous silicon diodes, working as both temperature sensors and photosensors, and, on the other side, transparent thin films acting as heating sources. The main challenge of the work is the determination of the correct fabrication recipes in order to satisfy the compatibility of different microelectronic steps.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma