
De novo a-to-i rna editing discovery in lncrna

Background: Adenosine to inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing is the most frequent editing event in humans. It converts adenosine to inosine in double-stranded RNA regions (in coding and noncoding RNAs) through the action of the adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR) enzymes. Long non-coding RNAs, particularly abundant in the brain, account for a large fraction of the human transcriptome, and their important regulatory role is becoming progressively evident in both normal and transformed cells.

Intracerebral hemorrhage after cranioplasty: an unpredictable treacherous complication due to reperfusion or possible systemic inflammatory response syndrome

Introduction: In case of malignant cerebral infarction and progressive neurological
worsening, decompressive craniectomy is the surgical option that is recommended
when medical therapies fail. The occurrence of an intracerebral hemorrhage after
reconstruction of the bone defect is extremely rare. This is an extremely rare
complication, with only four cases reported thus far in the literature.
Case Report: A 54-year-old male suffered a malignant cerebral infarction and
progressive neurological worsening requiring decompressive hemicraniectomy. Three

The Ventricular System Enlarges Abnormally in the Seventies, Earlier in Men, and First in the Frontal Horn: A Study Based on More Than 3,000 Scans

Objectives: To detect on computed tomography (CT) brain scans the trajectories of normal and abnormal ventricular enlargement during aging. Methods: For each 1-year age cohort, we assessed in 3,193 axial CT scans the Evans’ index (EI) in the anterior frontal horns and the parieto-occipital (POR) and temporal ratio (TR) in the posterior and inferior horns. Cut-off values for abnormal enlargement were based on previous clinical studies. Results: The mean age associated with normal linear measures was 71 years.

Structural and Functional Brain Changes in Migraine

Migraine is a prevalent primary headache disorder and is usually considered as benign. However, structural and functional changes in the brain of individuals with migraine have been reported. High frequency of white matter abnormalities, silent infarct-like lesions, and volumetric changes in both gray and white matter in individuals with migraine compared to controls have been demonstrated. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies found altered connectivity in both the interictal and ictal phase of migraine.

Cardiovascular pleiotropic effects of natriuretic peptides

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a cardiac hormone belonging to the family of natriuretic peptides (NPs). ANP exerts diuretic, natriuretic, and vasodilatory effects that contribute to maintain water–salt balance and regulate blood pressure. Besides these systemic properties, ANP displays important pleiotropic effects in the heart and in the vascular system that are independent of blood pressure regulation. These functions occur through autocrine and paracrine mechanisms.

Neuroplasticity and brain reorganization associated with positive outcomes of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in progressive multiple sclerosis: A fMRI study

Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by a range of symptoms, including motor, sensorimotor and cognitive impairments, that limit the quality of life. A multidisciplinary rehabilitation approach in people affected by multiple sclerosis was recently reported to improve the functional abilities of MS patients in daily activities. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of multidisciplinary rehabilitation on the whole brain of MS patients by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Comparison between synthetic and conventional magnetic resonance imaging in patients with multiple sclerosis and controls

Objectives: Synthetic magnetic resonance imaging (SyMRI) allows to obtain different weighted-images using the multiple-dynamic multiple-echo sequence lasting 6 min. The aim is to compare quantitatively and qualitatively synthetic- and conventional MRI in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and controls assessing the contrast (C), the signal to noise ratio (SNR), and the contrast to noise ratio (CNR). We evaluated the lesion count and lesion-to-white matter contrast (Cl-WM) in the MS patients. Methods and methods: 51 patients underwent synthetic- and conventional MRI.

Relationship among body mass index, NT-proBNP, and mortality in decompensated chronic heart failure

Obesity has been suggested to confer a survival benefit in acute heart failure. The concentrations of NT-proBNP may be reduced in patients with high body mass index (BMI).

To investigate the relationship among BMI, NT-proBNP, and mortality risk in decompensated chronic heart failure (DCHF).

This was a retrospective study. We studied 1001 patients with DCHF. Hazard ratios (HR) were calculated with Cox regression analysis.

Fully immersed: State absorption and electrophysiological effects of the OVO Whole-Body Perceptual Deprivation chamber

Absorption, the ability to highly focus attention, as well as openness to self-altering experiences, is an important psychological construct, closely related to deep-meditation states and other altered states of consciousness. Yet, little is known about the electrophysiological profile of states of absorption, possibly due to the difficulty to induce this state in the lab.

Left-to-right coding of number magnitudes: Inherent or not?

One of the issues of major interest in numerical cognition is the relationship between the brain representation of space and that of numerical magnitudes. Space–Number interactions have been vari- ously ascribed to the inherent spatial coding of number magnitudes, to the verbal coding of space determined by the use of contrasting left/ right spatial codes in the task at hand or to the use of the same spatial codes in the selection of motor responses associated with numerical features such as magnitude or parity.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma