Building Information Modeling

BIM for built cultural heritage: semantic segmentation, architectural stratification and LOD of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence.

The 3D virtual modeling of any artifact involves the organized composition of digital elements. This process is common to any 3D modeling workflow but, when applied to BIM systems, shows a good correspondence in the construction processes between the virtual and the real world. In fact, any building can be considered as a coordinated set of simple technological elements, linked together by design logics and construction techniques that are quite predictable and controllable.

Reasoning in Common Data Environments. Re-thinking CDEs to enhance collaboration in BIM processes

In BIM processes, the concept of Common Data Environment - CDE - has often been depicted as a key element for successful collaboration and information sharing among different actors but, in current practice, acts as a mere documentation repository ineffective for true collaborative purposes. Therefore, the idea of CDE seems to be overrated on the one hand and unexploited on the other, while effective collaboration is still far from being decisively supported.

Qualità dell’aria in sala operatoria: uso di modelli parametrici in BIM (Building Information Modeling) al fine di individuare criticità e interferenza tra aspetti edilizi e impiantistici.

Nell’ambito del progetto IM.PA.C.T. (IMproving the health of PAtients by supporting dynamiC healTh systems and new
technologies), promosso dalla Regione Puglia, è stata valutata la qualità microbiologica dell’aria nelle sale operatorie
(SO) ortopediche in operation, in funzione degli aspetti edilizi ed impiantistici.
Lo studio, che ha riguardato 33 SO, di cui 17 con impianto di Ventilazione e Condizionamento a Contaminazione

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma