
On the Chinese Exchange Rate Regime: an Attempt to Flexibility during 2015

This study will demonstrate, through an econometric and asset allocation approach, if and
how the Chinese exchange rate regime was changing during 2015. Particularly, China to improve its
exchange rate formation system implemented, during July and August 2015, three depreciation as a
step toward a market-oriented exchange rate. This situation, along with the new right of the RMB to
be an international currency in SDR should generate a loss of weight about the USD in the Chinese


The book is the result of an international cooperation between Universities; more precisely, this work was premiered in four lectures held in May 2016 at the Ph.D. in Architecture and Construction (Draco) in Sapienza University. The lectures were organized in the context of a General Agreement signed between the School of Architecture of Tianjin University in China and the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. The author of this book is in charge for the agreement for the Chinese Institution, while the author of the brief preface is in charge for the Italian one.

Editors' introduction

After explaining the ideas that motivated the launch of an international conference on transcultural studies over a time span of more than three centuries, the introduction highlights the main themes of the volume, which revolves around the concepts of "humanity" and "letters" from the perspective of the cultural flow between China and the West from the Late Ming dynasty to the early republican era.

Chinese missionary linguistics: a new field of research

In the last four decades, much has been written about the missionary activities and the works compiled in Chinese by the many Western Christian missionaries that dwelled in China for the purpose of spreading their religious beliefs, i.e. Catholicism, Protestantism or the Orthodox faith, from the very end of the sixteenth century to late nineteenth century and even during the twentieth century.

China and the international alliances at the beginning of the twentieth century

IL saggio esamina il modo in cui l'impero Manchu assunse la fisionomia di una media potenza all'inizio del 20° secolo e contiene una riflessione su come la politica estera cinese di quell'epoca si intrecciasse con le origini della 1a guerra mondiale. Suggerisce che se la Cina avesse fatto scelte diplomatiche diverse, l'esplosiaone della prima guerra mondiale potesse essere anticipata come effetto della guerra russo-giapponese

Investigating the introduction of Italian culture into Late Qing China through some foreign travel diaries (1867-1897): What culture? About what Italy? By what China?

This paper aims to provide an overview of the information on Italian culture available in diaries written from 1867 to 1897 by the official delegates of the Qing government.

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