Civil and Structural Engineering

The potential of hydrogen enriched natural gas deriving from power-to-gas option in building energy retrofitting

This paper deals with the role of Hydrogen enriched Natural Gas (H2NG) in Hybrid Energy Systems for energy refurbishment purposes. In detail, three different plant layout options were investigated. A photovoltaics (PV) array and two-stage electric heat pump (EHP), a hybrid photovoltaic thermal solar collectors combined to gas heat pump (GHP) fuelled with H2NG, and a CHP fuelled with H2NG connected to a two-stage EHP were compared.

Three-Dimensional numerical modelling of historical masonry stuctures affected by tunnelling-induced settlements

This paper focuses on the interaction between tunnelling and historical masonry structures. These latter often characterise the centre of many cities and should be preserved from possible tunnelling-induced damage. In recent years the Authors of this contribution have adopted an advanced numerical approach to investigate this issue in the two-dimensional domain, schematising the block masonry structure as a homogenised anisotropic medium [1, 2]. This study extends the approach to three-dimensional conditions.

Evaluation of attached mortar on recycled concrete aggregates by hyperspectral imaging

The presence of mortar attached to the surface of recycled aggregates strongly affect their quality, especially in order to reuse them for making new concrete. In this perspective, an innovative sensor-based quality control strategy was developed using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in the near-infrared range (1000–1700 nm), to evaluate the residual mortar content on the surface of coarse recycled concrete aggregates.

Safety and security management through an integrated multidisciplinary model and related integrated technological framework

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate a multidisciplinary model for safety and security management (IMMSSM) which can be implemented by means of a suitable Integrated Technological System Framework (ITSF) that can be based on Internet of Things (IoT)/Internet of Everything (IoE), showing also the significant role played by the integration of the elements that compose the model itself, thanks to a proper genetic algorithm studied for the specific context.

Prioritization methodology for roadside and guardrail improvement: Quantitative calculation of safety level and optimization of resources allocation

The attention to road safety-related issues has grown fast in recent decades. The experience gained with these themes reveals the importance of considering these aspects in the resource allocation process for roadside and guardrail improvement, which is a complex process often involves conflicting objectives. This work consists on defining an innovative methodology, with the objective of calculating and analysing a numerical risk factor of a road.

Concrete vs asphalt. Pavement and lighting costs in Italian road tunnels

Synopsis: This paper compares the life-cycle costs of pavement and lighting when different pavement types are built in road tunnels. Two pavements, rigid and flexible, during 20 and 30-year service life and for different traffic conditions were analyzed. Tunnel lengths between 750 m [2,460 ft] to 2,000 m [6,562 ft] were considered. The methodologies used to design and maintain both the pavements and the LED lighting systems complied with the Italian standards and practices.

Statistical analysis of turbulent dispersion in the sea surface layer based on satellite-tracked drifter data

This paper deals with the analysis of drifter campaigns realized in two different domains, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mar Grande Basin (Italy). Relative dispersion, diffusivity, and velocity variance were estimated, identifying different growth regimes. An exponential growth of the dispersion process was detected during the initial phase of deployment, and empirical laws for horizontal diffusivity were inferred.

Comparison of methods for evaluating airport pavement roughness

The correct and timely assessment of the airport pavements surface quality is fundamental to verify the presence of any irregularities that could be detrimental to aircraft operations. Furthermore, a rough runway can increase the maintenance costs of both pavements and aircrafts landing gears, due to the increment of dynamic loads and fatigue phenomena on airplanes structural elements, reducing their service life.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma