
Dalla traditional compliance al Regtech. Soluzioni innovative per il sistema dei controlli interni.

Il libro “Dalla traditional compliance al regtech” intende trattare il tema dell’importanza strategica
della funzione compliance per gli intermediari finanziari. Il volume, oltre ad offrire un panorama
completo e aggiornato sull’operato delle funzioni aziendali di controllo, si sofferma su temi meno
esplorati e di ricerca, offrendo un contributo all’acceso dibattito sull’importanza dei controlli interni
nelle banche e sulla loro effettiva efficacia. L’intento è di ripercorrere non solo l’evoluzione della

Safety climate and production pressure as moderators of workload-compliance link

Over 3 million work-related injuries and illnesses occur annually. This symposium presents five empirically, contextually, and methodologically diverse studies that provide insight on how to enact effective safety interventions given different national, industry, and organizational features. The session opens with empirical findings from a large scale study undertaken in hospitals in China and India, providing important evidence on the role of national and organizational labor practices in safety management.

Disentangling the roles of safety climate and safety culture: Multi-level effects on the relationship between supervisor enforcement and safety compliance

Despite increasing attention to contextual effects on the relationship between supervisor enforcementand employee safety compliance, no study has yet explored the conjoint influence exerted simulta-neously by organizational safety climate and safety culture. The present study seeks to address thisliterature shortcoming. We first begin by briefly discussing the theoretical distinctions between safetyclimate and culture and the rationale for examining these together.

Pediatric celiac disease: follow-up in the spotlight

The follow-up of celiac disease (CD) is challenging due to the scarcity of published data and the lack of standardized evidence-based protocols. The worldwide frequency and methods of CD follow-up appear to be heavily influenced by expert opinions of the individual physicians who assess children with CD. The aim of this review was to summarize the available studies on CD follow-up in children.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma