
Composizioni per Akragas

The chapter illustrates ‘three moves’ implemented by the students of the Renato Capozzi and Federica Visconti’s Studios in order to take part in the ‘architectural game’. The ‘first move’ is characterised by a ‘sacrifice’: the students must deprive themselves of the total, and dangerous, freedom towards the theme of the year and constantly refer to an exemplary architecture, binding their compositional exercise in a close confrontation with their reference.

The relationships between musical expertise and divergent thinking

Musical expertise has positive effects on cognition, especially on verbal and linguistic processing. In this study
the relationships between musical expertise, not involving improvisation training, and divergent thinking were
explored. Expert and self-taught musicians were tested in musical, verbal and visual divergent thinking, and
were compared with a group of non-musicians in verbal and visual divergent thinking. The musical task required
to generate many different pieces of music using the incipit of ‘Happy Birthday’ as a starting point; the verbal

Elogio con variazione. Improvvisazione e tecnica compositiva nelle Silvae di Stazio

In the prefaces to the individual books of the Silvae, Statius asks to be forgiven for the boldness of his compositions, which he claims to have been written in one go and very quickly. A comparison between these claims and rhetorical teaching, especially that of Quintilian, makes clear that the shortcomings for which Statius apologises should be identified with the arrangement of the topics rather than with the metrical and stylistic features of his verses.


L’articolo è concepito come una successione di immagini in un mondo dominato dalle immagini. Anche se Juhani Pallasmaa nel 2005 ha pubblicato "The Eyes of the Skin" offrendo un nuovo modo di interpretare la percezione in Architettura, e Peter Zumthor ha pubblicato suggerimenti per gli studenti in architettura il cui scopo è quello di costruire atmosfere, questo articolo tratta un modo ancestrale di comunicare idee (in particolare idee compositive) attraverso simboli, evocazioni, tracce di immagini, sfumature di ricordi.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma