condensed matter physics

Frequency-Domain Analysis of Sectionalized Shield Wires on PLC Transmission over High-Voltage Lines

In high-voltage transmission lines, the continuity of shield wires is often broken to reduce losses. The accurate simulation of the effects of this practice on power line communications in multiconductor transmission lines is performed in order to put in evidence the relevant channel features and the consequences on the radiated electromagnetic fields.

Preliminary evaluation of the expansion system size for a pressurized gas loop: Application to a fusion reactor based on a helium-cooled blanket

Some considerations to preliminarily design the size of the Expansion Volume (EV) and the relief pipes for a Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System, to be adopted in a fusion reactor based on a helium cooled blanket, are presented. The volume of the EV depends on the total energy of the cooling system and it can be sized based on a required final pressure at equilibrium, by a simple energy balance. Two different EV solutions have been analysed: a “dry” EV and a “wet” EV.

Spectral reconstruction of protein contact networks

In this work, we present a method for generating an adjacency matrix encoding a typical protein contact network. This work constitutes a follow-up to our recent work (Livi et al., 2015), whose aim was to estimate the relative contribution of different topological features in discovering of the unique properties of protein structures. We perform a genetic algorithm based optimization in order to modify the matrices generated with the procedures explained in (Livi et al., 2015).

Evaluation of high-frequency channels for deep-space data transmission using radiometeorological model forecast

The aim of this paper is to investigate the usability of high-frequency channels for deep-space (DS) transmissions exploiting radiometeorological forecast modeling. A previously developed model chain for DS link-budget optimization, based on numerical weather forecasts (WFs), is adopted. The latter, already tested at Ka-band, exploits the combination of a high-resolution mesoscale forecast model and a radiative transfer model to predict the atmospheric scenario and optimize received data volume (DV) during DS transmissions.

Distributed effect in high-frequency electroporation of biological cells

Electroporation of Jurkat T-lymphoma human cells was investigated using 10-MHz continuous waves and benchmarked against that at 100 kHz. Both cell poration and cell death were simultaneously monitored by fluorescence microscopy, and found to occur under approximately four times higher voltages at 10 MHz than that at 100 kHz. This weaker-than-expected increase in poration threshold could be explained by detailed analysis of the distributed effect often ignored in electroporation studies.

Statistics of vector Manakov rogue waves

We present a statistical analysis based on the height and return-time probabilities of high-amplitude wave events in both focusing and defocusing Manakov systems. We find that analytical rational or semirational solutions, associated with extreme, rogue wave (RW) structures, are the leading high-amplitude events in this system. We define the thresholds for classifying an extreme wave event as a RW. Our results indicate that there is a strong relationship between the type of RW and the mechanism which is responsible for its creation.

Low power photonic devices based on electrically controlled nematic liquid crystals embedded in poly(dimethylsiloxane)

We present a new class of photonic devices in which light is confined in channel waveguides, named LC:PDMS, made of a nematic liquid crystal (LC) core in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) flexible substrates. Monte Carlo techniques have been used to study LC orientation. Homeotropic alignment of LC molecules has been observed without any applied electric field. A theoretical study of LC orientation under an electric field between coplanar gold electrodes deposited by electroplating has been carried.

Transient Analysis of a Conductive Screen Excited by a Pulsed Horizontal Electrical Transient Dipole

The transient electromagnetic field transmitted by a pulsed horizontal electrical dipole through a planar conductive screen with finite thickness is numerically evaluated through the efficient evaluation of classical Sommerfeld integrals and inverse Fourier transform techniques. The proposed numerical approach allows for accurately evaluating the relevant time-domain shielding characteristics.

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