
Microbial contamination of brand new nickel-titanium endodontic instruments

AIMS:This study aims to estimate the microbial presence on the surface of different brand new NiTi endodontic instruments for clinical use.MATERIAL AND METHODS:Eleven different types of NiTi rotary endodontic instruments, obtained from their fresh opened original packages, were assigned to three different groups, according to packaging type and sterilization and tested for bacterial contamination. Isolated bacteria were identified by using standard microbiological methods and then counted.

Soil and water as resources: how landscape architecture reclaims hydric contaminated soil for public uses in urban settlements

Soil is one of the fundamental components for life on Earth, but today, as a consequence of humans’ unsustainable actions, soil is polluted, distressed and spoiled. In contemporary practice design, we recognize the importance of the soil quality to structure new discourses in landscape practice. The central role in this process is undoubtedly played by the value a healthy soil has for the community and for the environment.

The power of collective imagination: a methodological opportunity for reading the presence of architecture’s hidden explanatory potential

The cultural contamination in the transcription of the Word Heritage architectural projects are described by means of narrative fictions, which activate body extrasensory perception and mechanisms of simulation incarnate, reflecting on the formulation of a judgment or a project.
The living body of architecture is a continuous transmigration of tradition into the new, in a circular process that, in architecture, involves a composite set of elements.

First results from CUORE: a search for lepton number violation via 0??? Decay of Te130

The CUORE experiment, a ton-scale cryogenic bolometer array, recently began operation at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. The array represents a significant advancement in this technology, and in this work we apply it for the first time to a high-sensitivity search for a lepton-number-violating process: Te-130 neutrinoless double-beta decay.

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