The power of collective imagination: a methodological opportunity for reading the presence of architecture’s hidden explanatory potential
The cultural contamination in the transcription of the Word Heritage architectural projects are described by means of narrative fictions, which activate body extrasensory perception and mechanisms of simulation incarnate, reflecting on the formulation of a judgment or a project.
The living body of architecture is a continuous transmigration of tradition into the new, in a circular process that, in architecture, involves a composite set of elements.
An analytical and reinterpretation system, a method by which to write, overwrite, rewrite the project, a real instrument of the architectural design process.
This design process does not propose a work of expressiveness, but attempts to carry out a spatial, conceptual, historical analysis and to present itself as a methodological opportunity for reading the building, its documents, materials, transcriptions and contaminations as an indissoluble unity, that could show the process of the construction and the power of the collective imagination on the architecture, revealing a hidden explanatory potential created just by the collective imaginary on architecture.