corporate governance

Corporate Governance and Environmental Social Governance: A Meta- Analytical Review of Voluntary Disclosure and Non-Financial Reporting. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management

This paper provides, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the first meta-analysis of evidence about the influence of the corporate governance on ESG disclosure, in a setting where the disclosure of information is voluntary but not discretionary. We apply meta-analysis to a sample of 24 empirical studies to clarify the relationship of board size, board independence, women on board, number of board meeting, CEO duality and company ownership with ESG disclosure.

Corporate Social Responsibility and integrated reporting: limits and opportunities

This study has shifted its focus from the relationship between sustainability, social responsibility and performance in small and medium enterprises, and towards the adoption of IR in the same type of business. The analysis shows that the literature, from the theoretical and empirical point of view, has not investigated in depth the consequences of, or the role played by, RSI activities in SMEs.

Environmental, social, and governance and company profitability: Are financial intermediaries different?

This paper investigates the association between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure and company profitability, as measured by return on assets (ROA). We first assess a method to indexing the ESG score of a large sample of U.S. listed companies based on MSCI ESG KLD STATS data from 2000 to 2016. The statistical model is run on 17,358 observations and studies the association of ROA and the three different dimensions of ESG score. Significant differences between industrial firms and financial intermediaries emerge.

Governo societario e risk management, le nuove sfide

La corporate governance bancaria è ritenuta importante non solo dagli investitori, secondo i quali contesti di mercato sempre più imprevedibili e volatili richiedono persone giuste al comando, ma anche dagli standard-setter internazionali quali il Comitato di Basilea e il Financial Stability Board. Di recente ulteriori principi e Linee guida hanno riguardato i principali processi di misurazione e gestione dei rischi nelle banche, il processo decisionale del CdA, con il passaggio all’Ifrs9, gli accantonamenti su crediti deteriorati.

Do bank boards matter? A literature review on the characteristics of banks' Board of Directors

Corporate governance of banks is important and unique (Levine, 2004). Sound bank corporate governance is a crucial element for promoting a more resilient financial system (FSB, 2013) and sustaining economic growth (BCBS, 2015). A systematic literature review is conducted on the articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals to identify the prevailing results in academic research on bank board characteristics, which is the most investigated topic in bank corporate governance.

Can governance help in making an IPO “successful”? New evidence from Europe

This paper investigates the determinants of a “successful” IPO from a corporate governance perspective upon a representative sample of European listings from 2000 to 2015. We use an extensive dataset of market performance, financial data, and corporate governance characteristics to run the investigation. Differently from previous studies, our analysis embraces both a short-term perspective and a medium–long-term perspective, where the board of directors seems to perform different tasks, moving from a value creation to a value protection strategy.

Corporate governance e intelligenza artificiale

L’articolo si propone di fornire un primo quadro ricostruttivo del rapporto tra corporate governance e intelligenza artificiale, assumendo quale osservatorio privilegiato il ruolo dell’automazione nei consigli di amministrazione delle società di capitali. La ragione ispiratrice di tale indagine è da ricercare in alcune esperienze streniere provenienti dalla prassi, dove alcuni operatori economici hanno provocatoriamente nominato delle intelligenze artificiali a membri dei consigli di amministrazione.

Corporate governance e intelligenza artificiale

Il saggio si propone di fornire un primo quadro ricostruttivo del rapporto tra corporate governance e intelligenza artificiale, assumendo quale osservatorio privilegiato il ruolo dell’automazione nei consigli di amministrazione delle società di capitali. La ragione ispiratrice di tale indagine è da ricercare in alcune esperienze streniere provenienti dalla prassi, dove alcuni operatori economici hanno provocatoriamente nominato delle intelligenze artificiali a membri dei consigli di amministrazione.

The concept of board capital in corporate governance research: a structured literature review

The purpose of this paper is to review and critically evaluate the extant academic research employing the concept of board capital, which was introduced by Hillman and Dalziel (2003) in order to explain the antecedents of effective board functioning and the resulting impact on firm performance. The emergence of a growing body of empirical literature based on the concept of board capital and the goal of identifying the main research topics and empirical strategies triggered the structured review presented in this paper.

The impact on the governance of the gender quotas legislation: the Italian case

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to create a strong connection among the gender diversity literature in the stream of gender quotas in the international context and the main legislation on gender diversity – the Law 120/2011 ‘‘Golfo-Mosca’’ – in Italy requiring listed companies and companies under the public control to implement policies for increasing board diversity.

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