corporate governance

Financial sector confidential. Diversity in finance from the voice of insiders

This research fits into the broader debate about the role of feminism in organizations in neoliberalist times, by focusing on the governance’ dysfunctions of the financial institutions that are central players in our highly-financialised economic paradigm. The qualitative findings present the subjective perceptions of reality from 27 financial sector’ insiders and investigate the socio-biographical trajectories of the financial elites.

How Do You Disclose? Some evidence on IT governance and performance In European banking system

This paper examines the evolution of the attention paid by a sample of EU banks on IT governance. We propose an analysis based on IT public disclosure to contribute to the less-explored strand of literature on IT governance transparency. We explore if the attention paid by banks to this topic has grown after the crises and if the greater importance ascribed to IT governance is due to the Supervisors' pressure or the value-driven decisions.

Una reinterpretazione della corporate governance alla luce della tecnologia blockchain: nuove prospettive

La blockchain èun nuovo paradigma destinato a rivoluzionare profondamente il sistema economico,modificando alla base i concetti di transazione, proprietà e fiducia. Originariamente sviluppata come tecnologia per registrare transazioni di criptovaluta (Nakamoto, 2008), la tecnologia blockchain si è evoluta in un gran numero di applicazioni e in diversi settori: dalle banche e assicurazioni ai mercati finanziari, passando per i sistemi di voto (Dai e Vasarhelyi, 2017; Tarasov e Tewari, 2017; Risius e Spohrer, 2017; Holub e Johnson, 2017).

Shareholder engagement e co-creation. Un’analisi su un campione di imprese quotate

Obiettivi del paper: Il lavoro analizza e interpreta lo shareholder engagement quale strumento di co-creazione del valore e intende verificare se quest’ultimo possa favorire una maggiore circolazione delle informazioni all’interno dell’impresa, creando le premesse per un governo condiviso. Metodologia: Dato il carattere esplorativo dello studio, ci si è avvalsi di un approccio fenomenologico. Nel lavoro si utilizza un campione relativo al 44% di società italiane a larga e media capitalizzazione.

Diversity of Board of Directors and Environmental Social Governance: Evidence from Italian Listed Companies

This study investigates the association between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure
and diversity of the board of directors (BoD) in Italian listed companies. Diversity of BoD
in terms of gender diversity, CSR committees, board average, and independent directors are examined
as to their influence on voluntary ESG disclosure. This rating is highly relevant to managers
and investors considering ESG issues in their decision-making process. The factors that

Reasons and opportunism control in public grants policies for development and innovations of businesses

In this paper we would to analyze the mechanism of public grants on economic growth. In particular this topic has been the subject of scientific interest by economists and, recently, also by business economics scholars. The studies of the economists focused on the motivations of the intervention itself; the business economic studies, on the other hand, have analyzed the impact both on the behavior of entrepreneurs and on the firms themselves by public grants.

Editorial: new challenges In theory and practice of corporate governance

The aim of international conference “New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory And Practice” is to move the field closer to a global theory by advancing our understanding of corporate governance, which combines insights from the literature on firm governance bundles with insights from the national governance systems literature, investigating new perspectives and challenges for corporate governance and outlining possible scenarios of its development.

Corporate governance and blockchain: some preliminary results by a survey

Blockchain technology can influence various aspects of the business even if empirical studies are still lacking to estimate the effective application of technology on corporate governance. Beyond its scientific-practical trendiness, blockchain should not be a matter of “if”, but a matter of “how” organizations are willing and able to integrate blockchain practices into their vision of the future, with ways to manage shareholders issues down to regular operations reaching and managing different levels of activism.

Determinants of commitment and opportunism of institutional investors’ behaviour: an empirical investigation on Robo-voting Phenomenon

Purpose of the paper: Recent research identifies a troubling number of institutional investors that automatically follow the advice of their proxy advisors so that they can prove to have complied with their fiduciary duties in a practice known as robo-voting. Therefore, our central research questions are: How could the characteristics of institutional investors affect robo-voting phenomenon? How could robo-voting phenomenon favour the creation of new opportunistic behaviour, changing the scope of shareholder engagement?

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