Covid 19

ICOSS - In­ter­na­tional COVID Sleep Study

ICOSS - In­ter­na­tional COVID Sleep Study

ICOSS is an international research collaboration project started at 2020 and lead from University of Helsinki. It involves multiple leading researches in the field of Sleep Science from several countries across four continents: Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Aim of the project is to study how COVID-19 pandemic and infection has influenced on sleep, circadian rhythms, fatigue, daytime functioning and health in general adult populations. We are currently recruiting participants to 2021 survey, please find details at Research page.

COVID-19 nelle popolazioni vulnerabili

COVID-19 nelle popolazioni vulnerabili

Questo gruppo di ricerca si concentra sullo studio dell'impatto della pandemia da COVID-19 sulle popolazioni fragili e vulnerabili. 

Response to COVID-19: Was Italy (un)prepared?

In this paper, we aim to critically review the Italian response to the COVID-19 crisis spanning from the early acute phases of the emergency (March-May 2020) to the relative stability of the epidemiological situation just before the second outbreak in October 2020. In what follows, we first briefly describe how the Italian Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN, National Health Services) is organised and the preparedness of the SSN before the epidemic started. Second, we describe the governance of the emergency set up by the government.

Age is not the only risk factor in COVID-19: the role of comorbidities and of long staying in residential care homes

Background: The actual SARS-CoV-2 outbreak caused a highly transmissible disease with a tremendous impact on elderly people. So far, few studies focused on very elderly patients (over 80 years old). In this study we examined the clinical presentation and the outcome of the disease in this group of patients, admitted to our Hospital in Rome. Methods: This is a single-center, retrospective study performed in the Sant’Andrea University Hospital of Rome.

CoRoNNa: A Deep Sequential Framework to Predict Epidemic Spread

We propose CORONNA, a deep framework for epidemic prediction to analyse the spread of COVID-19 and, potentially, of other unknown viruses, based on a flexible integration of sequential and convolutional components. Importantly, our framework is general and can be specialised according to different analysis objectives. In this paper, the specific purpose is to optimise CORONNA for analysing the impact of different mobility containment policies on the epidemic.

Crisis sanitaria, información y medios de comunicación de entretenimiento: cómo cambian las programaciones de las televisiones italianas durante el Covid-19

Il lavoro verte sull’impatto dell’emergenza sanitaria sugli equilibri della programmazione televisiva italiana. A partire dalla fine di febbraio 2020 la scena pubblica mediale si è improvvisamente svuotato da opinionisti e spettacoli, per lasciar spazio allo spettacolo della paura e della sofferenza, in cui l’ombra della morte diventa contenuto pregiato per la televisione italiana, trovata impreparata ad affrontare con piena competenza gli aspetti complessi della comunicazione scientifica intorno all’epidemia da Coronavirus.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma