
One perception, two perspectives. Measuring psychological contract dimensionality through the Psychological Contract Content Questionnaire

The present study aims to contribute to the validity strengthening of a psychological contract meas- ure, assessing the dimensionality of the item structure of the Psychological Contract Content Question- naire (PCCQ). According to the authors (De Vos, Buyens, & Schalk, 2003), the scale consists of two theoretical dimensions, one to measure perceived employer inducement (PEI) and the other to measure perceived employee contributions (PEC), both from the employee’s perception, each divided into five content areas.

The assessment of trait emotional intelligence: psychometric characteristics of the TEIQue-full form in a large Italian adult sample

Trait Emotional Intelligence (or trait emotional self-efficacy) is a constellation of emotional perceptions assessed through questionnaires and rating scales (Petrides et al., 2007b). This paper examined the psychometric features of the Trait Emotional Questionnaire Full Form (TEIQue-FF; Petrides, 2009b) in the Italian context. Incremental validity in the prediction of depression and anxiety was also tested with respect to the Big Five. Participants were 1343 individuals balanced for gender (690 females and 653 males) whose mean age was 29.65 years (SD = 13.64, range 17-74 years).

Factorial structure and construct validity of an italian version of the Fears of Compassion Scales. A study on non-clinical subjects

Objectives: This study was aimed at investigating the factorial structure and the construct validity of the Italian translation of the Fears of Compassion (FC) Scales in a non-clinical sample (i.e., Fear of Compassion From Others [FCFO], Fear of Compassion Towards Others [FCTO] and Fear of Self-Compassion [FSC]). An exploratory factor analysis was conducted on all the items to investigate the dimensionality of the FC scales. To assess construct validity, correlations between the FC scales and a series of construct-related measures were analysed.

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