Esarotor SF6 drone of Skyrobotics equipped with a Micasense rededge multi-spectral camera.
Esarotor SF6 drone of Skyrobotics equipped with a Micasense rededge multi-spectral camera.
The link between the territory and the built environment is crucial for the definition of a functional anthropic system. In history, the sites adaptation to geomorphological and climatic conditions has led to a transformation of landscape, which was shaped, composed and organized in accordance with the society and culture of the time, as well as the connected architectural elements. In this context, the garden of the representative buildings has become a field of experimentation, a repository of symbolism and changeable shapes.
The link between territory and built environment is crucial for the definition of a functional anthropic system. In history, the sites adaptation to geomorphological and climatic conditions has led to a transformation of landscape, which was shaped, composed and organized in accordance with the society and culture of the time, as well as the connected architectural elements. In this context, the garden of the representative buildings has become a field of experimentation, a repository of symbolism and changeable shapes.
An innovative coil configuration for inductively-based wireless power transfer (WPT) technology is presented to recharge the battery of a compact unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) (i.e., a remotely controlled drone). To improve the tolerance of the WPT system to coil misalignment caused by imperfect landing, a large primary coil is proposed in combination with a single turn, secondary coil. The on-board secondary coil is integrated in a part of the drone used as protection of the propellers.
A near-field wireless power transfer (WPT) technology is applied to recharge the battery of a small size drone. The WPT technology is an extremely attractive solution to build an autonomous base station where the drone can land to wirelessly charge the battery without any human intervention. The innovative WPT design is based on the use of a mechanical part of the drone, i.e., landing gear, as a portion of the electrical circuit, i.e., onboard secondary coil.
A high power and high efficiency Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system based on magnetic resonant coupling is proposed to automatically recharge the battery of a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) (a remotely controlled drone). The drone is equipped with a WPT receiving (Rx) circular coil with an electronic system to control the battery charging process, while the WPT transmitting (Tx) circular coil is placed on a ground station and connected to the electric power feeding system.
The mono-static Radar Cross Section (RCS) of a commercial Drone (IRIS) has been simulated and measured. For simulations, the electromagnetic CAD Microwave Studio by CST has been used. This software allows to accurately model the drone geometry and material complex permittivity. Measurements have been performed in an anechoic chamber equipped with a network analyzer and a horn antenna. The foreseen applications are the localization of drones in critical scenarios by using both passive and conventional radars.
Caratteristiche tecniche: BUILT TO ENDURE Motori ad alte prestazioni equipaggiati con eliche da 17 pollici assicurano un volo stabile anche con forte vento. Il sistema a doppia batteria tutela il volo anche in temperature sotto 0 C°. Il design stagno permette il volo nelle più svariate condizioni meteo.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma