Economic evaluation of projects

The sustainability of urban renewal projects: a model for economic multi-criteria analysis

Purpose: The decisions taken today relating to urban renewal interventions are rarely supported by logical and operational methodologies capable of effectively rationalising selection processes. For this purpose, it is necessary to propose and implement analysis models with the aim of promoting the sustainable development of the territory. The purpose of this paper is to define a model for the optimal allocation of scarce resources.

Progetti Eco-Sistemici integrati per il recupero di free urban spaces. Eco-systemic integrated projects for free urban spaces renewal

In the last few decades the development of many European cities, and not, has happened through urban policy actions poorly controlled giving in time a strongly disaggregated landscape characterized by a rapid growth of the population, insuf cient level of infrastructure and high environmental pollution. This sometimes has caused the birth within the built fabric of Free Urban Spaces, that are not and/or partially built, characterized by urban quality low level.

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