Progetti Eco-Sistemici integrati per il recupero di free urban spaces. Eco-systemic integrated projects for free urban spaces renewal
In the last few decades the development of many European cities, and not, has happened through urban policy actions poorly controlled giving in time a strongly disaggregated landscape characterized by a rapid growth of the population, insuf cient level of infrastructure and high environmental pollution. This sometimes has caused the birth within the built fabric of Free Urban Spaces, that are not and/or partially built, characterized by urban quality low level. But the presence of free areas within the city offers the opportunity to reconnect the existing fabric in the light of integrated development, creating urban environment quali cation initiatives conducted according to eco-systemic logic. In the speci c, through interventions that also include urban foresting, it is possible to improve the space quality not yet anthropized through the eco-systemic services production able to bring multiple bene ts to the community.
In this perspective, the aim is to propose an economic evaluation protocol based on a set of criteria and indicators, components of value not only referring to environmental, but also nancial, social, cultural aspects, with which the Eco-systemic Integrated Projects executed on city portions to be redeveloped with a unitary urban development view, can be evaluated in an integrated way.