electoral campaigns

L’agenda pubblica interrelata in campagna elettorale. Politiche 2018 ed Europee 2019 tra convergenza e divergenza mediale

In the fourth age of political communication, many scholars are discussing about the existence of a shared public media agenda. The plurality
of actors able to intervene in the public debate, the diversity of media
platforms, and personalization of media offer support the idea of divergence between public agendas. However, an electoral campaign is an
almost naturel occasion of convergence between media agendas. The
paper analyzes the relationship between traditional news media agendas, online news outlets, social media feeds on politics, during the 2018

Populism in power? The 2016 Administrative Elections in Rome

2016 City Elections in Rome have been crucial for many reasons. In a context where political actors’ communication strategies are constantly evolving, every new occasion to apply them to an electoral campaign represents an important contribution to the construction of that permanent campaigning Blumenthal (1980) theorised in the early Eighties. Italian local elections have always been important chances to “test” the political forces’ “strength” both at local and national level.

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