
Implementation mechanisms for recovering and developing historic centres. The case of the integrated Programme for the historic centre of Nepi

Il contributo riguarda la sperimentazione di un processo di pianificazione per il recupero e la valorizzazione del centro storico di Nepi sviluppato nella tesi di laurea di Anna Pappalardo. La tesi delinea il quadro strategico degli obiettivi e delle azioni sul quale fondare i processi di valorizzazione del centro storico approfondendo, in particolare, il tema della costruzione della città pubblica, oltre a sollecitare la ricerca di nuovi riferimenti metodologico-sperimentali e operativi cui fare riferimento per il concreto avvio dei processi di rigenerazione urbana.

Landscape planning. Issues and tools

The attention towards the concepts of landscape, environment and territory and their mutual interrelationships, have engaged, since the early years of the twentieth century, the political class, the cultural and disciplinary world in the definition of new approaches to landscape protection and planning. The normative dispositions that followed over more than a century of debates reflect the evolution of the theoretical-cultural thought developed around the themes of definition, representation, evaluation and landscape planning.

Landscape planning. Issues and tools

L’attenzione verso i concetti di paesaggio, ambiente e territorio e delle loro reciproche interrelazioni, hanno impegnato, a partire dai primi anni del Novecento, la classe politica, il mondo culturale e disciplinare nella definizione di nuovi approcci alla protezione e alla pianificazione del paesaggio. Le disposizioni normative succedutesi nel corso di oltre un secolo di dibattiti rispecchiano l’evoluzione del pensiero teorico-culturale maturato attorno ai temi della definizione, della rappresentazione, della valutazione e della pianificazione del paesaggio.

Main complications of photorefractive keratectomy and their management

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) was the first surface ablation procedure introduced for the treatment of refractive errors and has been proven to be effective and safe. In some cases, however, the patient may not be totally satisfied with the final result and retreatment may be necessary. We performed a literature review to describe the main conditions that may arise following PRK that may require retreatment and new promising techniques to allow customized and effective treatments for patients. There is currently no gold standard for retreatment of residual refractive error after PRK.

Dual effect of humidity on cesium lead bromide: enhancement and degradation of Perovskite films

CsPbBr3 perovskite is highly desired to fabricate many optoelectronic devices: high photovoltage solar cells, tandem solar cells, light-emitting diodes, lasers, photodetectors, field effect transistors etc. However, to realize these applications the resistance to humidity, one of the most important stressing agents, needs to be understood. In this article, we investigate the effect of prolonged exposure (up to 500h) of CsPbBr3 to ~60% and 80% relative humidity by in-situ X-ray diffraction and ex-situ scanning electron microscopy and UV-visible spectroscopy.

Walking on the Ruins. The arrangement of the excavations in the square of the Feltre Cathedral

Carlo Scarpa throughout his career, has constantly worked with the historical heritage of architecture and archaeology. This is the case of the project for the arrangement of the archaeological excavations in the square of the Feltre Cathedral. In the early seventies the excavations, carried out in the space of the sagrato of the Cathedral, bring to light a very complex archaeological stratification in which the traces of a Roman road emerge, among others, some spaces paved in opus sectile and a circular baptistery of the 5th-6th century AD.

Brain Connectivity Analysis Under Semantic Vigilance and Enhanced Mental States

In this paper, we present a method to quantify the coupling between brain regions under vigilance and enhanced mental states by utilizing partial directed coherence (PDC) and graph theory analysis (GTA). The vigilance state is induced using a modified version of stroop color-word task (SCWT) while the enhancement state is based on audio stimulation with a pure tone of 250 Hz. The audio stimulation was presented to the right and left ears simultaneously for one-hour while participants perform the SCWT.

Neuroetica: sfide e opportunità

L’inizio della neuroetica come campo distinto di ricerca è solitamente ricondotto al 2002, tanto che nel 2017 ricorre il suo quindicesimo anniversario. Da allora le pubblicazioni accademiche nel campo della neuroetica sono aumentate esponenzialmente. In questo capitolo sarà discussa l’importanza della neuroetica come campo innovativo, con particolare

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