
The reaction of social partners to the application of the “Jobs Act”: a comparison between digital communication strategies

Labour policies represent one of the thorny issues within the agendas of governments around the world. The public debate on this issue is being sorely tested by the economic market revolution, on one hand, and by the need for both of new regulation and job creation. Despite the dialogue between international players, the actions of governments are not always able to collect all the requests submitted for integration and improvement, due both to political willingness and budgetary policies.


The paper discusses the evolution of the concept of health and its relationship with the urban environment and design, starting from the first phase (1997) of the initiative of World Health Organization Regional Office of Europe ‘Healthy Urban Planning’. At the same time, the paper focuses on the evolution of the debate at European level and internationally produced initiatives and documents. “Healthy urban planning means planning for people.

Shaping new consumer patterns through edutainment and gamification. An empirical analysis among italian students

The research aims to take place actions in order to promote and exploit short supply chains and fishery products at zero food miles, increasing awareness and sustainability levels in this sector. The project is oriented towards future students, parents and teachers. Students are the protagonists of edutainment initiatives and will be leveraged towards parents who will in turn convey the notions to other adults through activities to be carried out together, with media relevance.

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