

Con la fine degli anni 40 la bioetica emerge come un ambito crescente di discussione, a partire dai dibattiti sulla sperimentaizon emedica, sul trapianto di organi, lo sviluppo di trattamenti salvavita, l'ingegneria genetica, le nuove tecniche ridroduttive. Venti anni dopo, lo sviluppo della bioetica produce la istituzionalizzazione di questa disciplina, sia in ambito accademico sia nello spazio pubblico. Dopo la nascita di Louise Brown nel 1978 molti paesi fondano istituzioni pubbliche o comitati per l'espertise bioetica.

A study of quiet eye's phenomenon in the shooting section of “laser run” of modern pentathlon

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of the Quiet eye (QE) phenomenon on performances during the shooting section of “Laser Run” of Modern Pentathlon, in two samples of athletes (novices and experts). The “Laser Run” consists of running and shooting activities. The study involved 18 experienced athletes of the Italian National Team of Modern Pentathlon (i.e., “elite” group) and 18 young and nonexpert athletes of a local Pentathlon club (i.e., “novice” group).

The dancers' visuospatial body map explains their enhanced divergence in the production of motor forms: evidence in the early development

Dance represents an opportunity to promote not only motor skills but also other cognitive functions and general well-being. In this study, 58 children aged 6-10 years were enrolled in order to test the issue if dance improves divergent thinking in motor and visual domains (domain-general and domain-specificity hypotheses), and whether the topological map of the body mediates their performance at the motor task (mediation hypothesis). Therefore, 33 children practicing dance were compared with a control group (25 children).

The relationships between musical expertise and divergent thinking

Musical expertise has positive effects on cognition, especially on verbal and linguistic processing. In this study
the relationships between musical expertise, not involving improvisation training, and divergent thinking were
explored. Expert and self-taught musicians were tested in musical, verbal and visual divergent thinking, and
were compared with a group of non-musicians in verbal and visual divergent thinking. The musical task required
to generate many different pieces of music using the incipit of ‘Happy Birthday’ as a starting point; the verbal

Contextual and social variables modulate aesthetic appreciation of bodily and abstract art stimuli

Despite the increasing interest in the plasticity of aesthetic appreciation, we know comparatively little about the role of individuals' cultural (e.g. the appreciators' expertise) and of social emotional-cognitive (e.g. the social influence of people perceived as warm or competent) variables in modulating the appreciation process. In two experiments we investigated 1) whether people with different art-expertise are influenced differently by contextual (i.e. stimuli primed as art) and social (i.e.

Predicting the fate of basketball throws: an EEG study on expert action prediction in wheelchair basketball players

The ability to anticipate and detect changes in human movement helps people to modify their behaviors in ever changing environments. Studies indicate that expertise modulates observation of domain-specific actions in sports-a process that is crucial for adapting rapidly to a new situation, often before awareness of environmental changes is achieved. Here, we explored the electrophysiological underpinnings of wheelchair basketball players predicting the fate of free throws performed by wheelchair basketball athletes.

Catching on it early: bodily and brain anticipatory mechanisms for excellence in sport

Programming and executing a subsequent move is inherently linked to the ability to anticipate the actions of others when interacting. Such fundamental social ability is particularly important in sport. Here, we discuss the possible mechanisms behind the highly sophisticated anticipation skills that characterize experts. We contend that prediction in sports might rely on a finely tuned perceptual system that endows experts with a fast, partially unconscious, pickup of relevant cues.

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