
The representation of rmmigration. A retrospective newspaper analysis

The article reports a comparative study of the representation of migration in media from three countries (Greece, Italy, and Turkey), over 2001–2018 period. Analysis showed the salience of two main frames – the view of migration as a matter of security and human beings as well. Themes fram- ing the media discourses on migration are grounded on a semantic struc- ture that is quite similar across the three countries compared, despite their considerable socio-cultural and geo-political differences.

Understanding Islamic Fundamentalism: A Matter of Sociology

Understanding Islamic fundamentalism of today requires the frame of a clash not between
civilizations, but between different forms of psychological organization. It is therefore a matter of
sociology, explainable through the innovative approach of dynamic sociology. The term jihad is for
fundamentalists an armed revolution, both against those regimes of Islamic world guilty of apostasy, and
against all non-Islamic countries. At the root of nowadays’ fundamentalism it is not the opposition

Imagined Networks. Media and the Organisation Metaphors of Collective Actions

Reti: molte organizzazioni della società civile e dei movimenti sociali usano questo termine per definirsi. Così spesso che questa metafora appare non solo il frame per definire l’azione collettiva ma anche una sua nuova, e oramai consolidata, ideologia. Dove nasce questa pratica identitaria, questa modo di concepire e incorniciare movimenti e organizzazioni?

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