
The Participatory Graphics of Cultural Heritage. New Methods of Analysis, Knowledge and Valorisation

The paper describes a project for the understanding of Cultural Heritage,
through experimental procedures that can provide scientifically measurable
results. The project, called HeGo (HeritageGo), provides for the creation of a
model of social and participatory interaction applied to surveys in archaeological,
architectural and urban contexts. The procedure is structured principally around
the voluntary participation of various “players/users” (tourists, students, ordinary

A framework for personalized competitive programming training

Programming Contests are a special branch in the general area of training and education programming support and cover an important role in the area of computer science. Rather than the direct provision of concepts and exercises related to programming, the main concern is on the algorithms and data structures managed while composing the solution to a problem, and the quality of the solution program itself.

A Gamified Approach to Automated Assessment of Programming Assignments

Tools delivering assessment, and feedback, for students’ programming assignments are important in computer science education. Approaches range from the static analysis of program correctness, to testing-based evaluation, through the application in frameworks of competitive programming. In this paper we describe a testing-based approach, provided in a gamified web-based environment.

2TSW: Automated assessment of computer programming assignments, in a gamified web based system

Automated assessment and feedback of computer programming tasks can be a significant asset in computer science education. Web based systems providing such capabilities are designed to apply techniques ranging from static analysis of program correctness, to testing-based evaluation, and often can have application in frameworks supporting competitive programming. Here we report on the 2TSW system, which uses the testing-based approach in a gamified web-based environment. In 2TSWa learner can access a list of assignments, submit solutions and have such solutions tested and graded.

La gamification a supporto dei processi di reclutamento e formazione delle risorse umane. Evidenze da un multiple case study

Obiettivi. Il paper, dopo aver fornito un inquadramento teorico del concetto di gamification, si propone di analizzare le opportunità
di utilizzo del game thinking nell’ambito della gestione delle risorse umane al fine di migliorare i processi di reclutamento, selezione e formazione del personale.
Metodologia. La metodologia si basa su un approccio esplorativo che segue il modello del Multiple Case Study. Nello specifico, i casi analizzati riguardano tre note multinazionali attive in settori differenti: McDonald’s, Walmart e PwC.

Enhancing an eco-driving gamification platform through wearable and vehicle sensor data integration

As road transportation has been identified as a major contributor of environmental pollution, motivating individuals to adopt a more eco-friendly driving style could have a substantial ecological as well as financial benefit. With gamification being an effective tool towards guiding targeted behavioural changes, the development of realistic frameworks delivering a high end user experience, becomes a topic of active research.

Exploiting Gamification to Improve Eco-driving Behaviour: The GamECAR Approach

GamECAR aims to develop a highly innovative and interactive Serious Games platform that will empower and guide users to adopt an eco-friendly driving style. This will be achieved, without distracting them from safe driving, through a multidisciplinary approach aiming at the development of a user friendly, unobtrusive multi-player gaming environment, where the users will not only play collaboratively/competitively using their mobile device but also use the car itself and their own bodies, thus turning eco-driving into an immersive and highly motivating experience.

Encouraging persons to visit cultural sites through mini-games

Gamification has been recently proposed as a technique to improve user engagement in different activities, including visits to cultural sites and cultural tourism in general. We present the design, development and initial validation of the NEPTIS Poleis system, which consists of a mobile application and a Web interface for curators, allowing the definition, and subsequent fruition by users, of different minigames suitable for open-air assets.

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