Enhancing an eco-driving gamification platform through wearable and vehicle sensor data integration

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Tselios C., Nousias S., Bitzas D., Amaxilatis D., Akrivopoulos O., Lalos A. S., Moustakas K., Chatzigiannakis I.
ISSN: 0302-9743

As road transportation has been identified as a major contributor of environmental pollution, motivating individuals to adopt a more eco-friendly driving style could have a substantial ecological as well as financial benefit. With gamification being an effective tool towards guiding targeted behavioural changes, the development of realistic frameworks delivering a high end user experience, becomes a topic of active research. This paper presents a series of enhancements introduced to an eco-driving gamification platform by the integration of additional wearable and vehicle-oriented sensing data sources, leading to a much more realistic evaluation of the context of a driving session.

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