
People, technology, and governance for sustainability: the contribution of systems and cyber-systemic thinking

We live in an ever-increasing unsustainable world in which sustainability shows to be a complex multidimensional and multi-stakeholder problem. The complexity to address is increasingly beyond our traditional response capabilities. Hence the challenge is “how we account for this complexity in the quest for a sustainable world underpinned by inclusion and fairness” (Espejo 2018).

Governance for sustainability: a triple-helix model

In the last decades much attention has been dedicated to the interpretation of relevant phenomena in the socio-economic field, highlighting the need of general frameworks of reference for the governance of sustainability and often recurring to the Elkington’s triple bottom line and the Etzkowitz’s triple-helix representations as reference models. In front of a massive scientific production that points out criteria and method of the model, the theory could seem less rich of applications and examples, especially in the field of the inquiry defined by sustainability.

Complexity and Governance

Complexity has been coped with in many disci-
plines and has been described in many ways. In

organizational terms, it characterizes every situa-
tion in which the government body perceives

uncertainty due to insufficient knowledge of the
observed object or emerging conditions
characterizing it.

Governing the urban regeneration: the case of Ravone area in Bologna

The Italian government of the territory is regulated by an urban planning law dating back to 1942, designed to regulate and plan the urban growth and expansion of the post-war. Over the decades this law has insisted almost unchanged on any attempt to adapt it to the changing socio-economic context and has become an instrument for the protection of land and real estate income.

Corporate corruption prevention, sustainable governance and legislation: First exploratory evidence from the Italian scenario

This paper aims to identify the main issues and drivers of sustainable corporate governance to prevent corruption, analysing the interaction between the principal governance bodyeBoard of Directorseand the implementation and application of corruption prevention plans by pointing out exploratory evidence from the company sample. This paper is built upon two steps.

Nonfinancial reporting regulation and challenges in sustainability disclosure and corporate governance practices

This paper aims to investigate how the shift from voluntary to mandatory nonfinancial information started by the European Union (EU) Directive 95/2014 may influence corporate practices. In particular, this research presents a paradigmatic case study to highlight relevant changes in reporting strategy and corporate governance adopted by an Italian listed company that never disclosed sustainability information before the transposition of the EU Directive into the Legislative Decree 254/2016.

Exploratory evidence on anticorruption activities in the Spanish context: A sustainable governance approach

This paper aims at discovering a sustainable corporate governance approach by analysing the interaction between the board of directors and the application of corporate corruption legislation by Spanish companies. Thus, the objective of this paper is to define the role of the board of directors in corporate corruption prevention activities. Based on a case study using the Gioia methodology, our research seeks to identify the role of the board of directors compared with that of control activities (i.e., corruption prevention activities) within the management system of the company.

Documentazione Comferenza. Conferenza Italiana di Scienze della Comunicazione

Il saggio documenta l'evoluzione del ruolo, degli obiettivi e delle attività della Comferenza-Conferenza Italiana di Scienze della Comunicazione. Nata nel 1992 come Coordinamento (poi Conferenza) Nazionale delle Facoltà e dei Corsi di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione, per riunire le tante anime che caratterizzano il campo di studi in questo ambito didattico e scientifico, la Comferenza si pone l’obiettivo primario di valorizzare e promuovere le Scienze della Comunicazione quale elemento dinamico e indispensabile per lo sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale del paese.

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