
One way bending capacity prediction of unreinforced masonry walls with varying cross section configurations

Post-earthquake inspections have highlighted that out-of-plane failure of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls is one of the most life threatening hazards related to earthquakes. Connections between structural elements and interlocking across the wall section play an important role in the capacity of a URM building to withstand earthquakes. Consequently, the seismic assessment of existing URM buildings requires an appropriate methodology to correctly estimate the performance of the investigated element.

Restraints and seclusion in psychiatry: striking a balance between protection and coercion. Critical overview of international regulations and rulings

Le misure di contenzione e isolamento in contesti di cura psichiatrica vengono applicate a livello mondiale, nonostante l’insufficienza di evidenza scientifica che ne suffraghi la validità. Le possibili implicazioni cliniche, etiche e medico-legali derivanti da tali misure coercitive non sono trascurabili e presentano molteplici complessità.

Indagine conoscitiva sul concetto di competenza avanzata nella professione infermieristica

Introduction: The evolution of nursing education has in fact led to an increase in knowledge and
skills that have made nurses real professionals. With the introduction of paragraph 566 of the 2015
Stability Law and Law 24 of 2017, greater attention has been paid to the use of the Guidelines and
how they, together with good practice, can reduce the use of defensive medicine.
Aim: The aim of this is to investigate the knowledge of nursing staff regarding the concepts of

Implications of guidelines for hypertension management in europe.

Hypertension continues to be the most common preventable cardiovascular risk factor in Europe. Blood pressure (BP) control in the continent remains largely unsatisfactory. For this reason, development of new guidelines has appeared timely and appropriate. In this article, we highlight the novel or controversial aspects of 2018 European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension (ESC/ESH) guidelines and discuss how they will influence physicians’ management of hypertension in Europe.

Treatment of diverticular disease: an update on latest evidence and clinical implications

Background: Diverticular disease (DD) is a common condition, especially in Western countries. In about 80% of patients, colonic diverticula remain asymptomatic (diverticulosis), while approximately 20% of patients may develop abdominal symptoms (symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease, SUDD) and, eventually complications as acute diverticulitis (AD). The management of this condition has been improved, and in the last five years European countries and the USA have published guidelines and recommendations.

Clinical practice guidelines for childbearing female candidates for bariatric surgery,pregnancy, and post-partum management after bariatric surgery

Emerging evidence suggests that bariatric surgery improves pregnancy outcomes of women with obesity by reducing the rates of gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and macrosomia. However, it is associated with an increased risk of a small-for-gestational-age fetus and prematurity. Based on the work of a multidisciplinary task force, we propose clinical practice recommendations for pregnancy management following bariatric surgery.

Evaluation of official procedures for suicide prevention in hospital from a forensic psychiatric and a risk management perspective

Background: Suicide is a severe public health problem, in 2008 the Italian ministerial recommendation n° 4 on the management of suicide defined key areas for the identification of suicidal risk in hospital wards. The guidelines are important in defining professional liability issues, in line with Law 24 of 8/3/2017 'Gelli-Bianco'.

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