high-throughput DNA sequencing

MiniSeq System


Il sistema MiniSeq offre una tecnologia di sequenziamento di nuova generazione (Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS) che consente di ottenere dati highthroughput degli acidi nucleici. Il sistema Illumina MiniSeq utilizza la chimica di sequenziamento mediante sintesi (sequencing-by-synthesis, SBS), un metodo basato su terminatori reversibili che consente il sequenziamento massivo in parallelo di miliardi di frammenti di DNA.

Ancient plant DNA in lake sediments

Recent advances in sequencing technologies now permit the analyses of plant DNA from fossil samples (ancient plant DNA, plant aDNA), and thus enable the molecular reconstruction of palaeofloras. Hitherto, ancient frozen soils have proved excellent in preserving DNA molecules, and have thus been the most commonly used source of plant aDNA. However, DNA from soil mainly represents taxa growing a few metres from the sampling point.

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