higher education

Another University is possible. Towards an idea of meridian University

Abstract: Worldwide university politics take for granted the primacy of GlobalNorthern paradigm. In the last decades, Higher Education policies have been shaped by global devices of neoliberal governance, such as the Competitiveness Global Index elaborated by the World Economic Forum. We examine the ever encroaching HE evaluation policies and illustrate how, in the framework of the current “Evaluative State”, university has been rebuilt according to the priorities of the “neoliberal market agenda”.

Road Safety Capacity Building in Belarus through the development of Road Safety Master Courses

The risk of traffic fatalities varies significantly across high, medium and low-income countries. Among the reasons for this in the latter ones, there is often a lack of road safety knowledge and political will. Road safety is a multidisciplinary topic and requires trained professionals able to identify and implement efficient measures in the areas of engineering, enforcement, education and emergency services, taking into consideration social and economic aspects as well.

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