higher education

What do students expect from learning? A research on skills as a bridge between school and university.

Which competencies do students expect to achieve by attending University? How deep is the gap between School and University concerning skills and competencies provided and requested? Are school programs and usual methodologies able to prepare them properly to enter Higher Education studies? Which role can play Informal learning in Formal education to reduce this gap? Answering these questions firstly means focusing on both the main competencies students should have acquired and the learning paths they have to follow for improving and developing them.

Between Research and teaching: Identifying new competencies for Healthy cities

Healthy Cities is one of the central themes addressed in the Sustainable Development
Goals. The World Health Organization’s new Urban Health Initiative creates a paradigm shift
in health systems approaches by focusing on the urban environment as a prerequisite for
healthy lifestyles - and disease prevention. In Europe, the Zagreb declaration pointed out its
attention to strengthen and champion action on health through healthy cities networks.
Architects and engineers play a strategic role in building this future and activating actions

Teens’ Voice 2018/2019 Percezioni di sé e della società Opinioni e consigli per la scuola

Per il quinto anno consecutivo, i Saloni dello studente Campus sono stati sede della ricerca Teen’s Voice, che si propone come osservatorio di ascolto dei giovani in uscita dalla scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Dare voce ai giovani vuol dire ascoltare in modo attivo, nel nostro approccio proponendo domande e problemi che generino risposte interessanti.

Autonomy Supportive Contexts, Autonomous Motivation, and Self-Efficacy Predict Academic Adjustment of First-Year University Students

Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the process that lead to academic adjustment of undergraduate students in the first year of higher education, by testing a predictive model based on self-determination theory with the inclusion of self-efficacy. The model posits that perceived autonomous forms of support from parents and teachers foster autonomous motivation and self-efficacy, which in turn predict academic adjustment. Method: A two-wave prospective design was adopted.

Collaborative Peer Feedback for continuous product improvement in a higher education course

This contribution focus on the peer-feedback activities carried out in a blended university course inspired by the Trialogical Approach to Learning. The course lasted 10 weeks divided into 3 modules; 109 students participated to the activities (M: 27 - F: 82), working in 11 groups of about 10 members. During the course students build knowledge products and are asked to improve them through mutual feedback.

The degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques of Sapienza and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome: technology enhanced active and collaborative learning

This paper describes the degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques delivered from 2017 by Sapienza and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome. This is an entirely online course in which the designers decided to integrate classic e-Learning with a participatory and collaborative approach, safeguarding the strengths of both models. To this end, the degree course is based on three fundamental pillars: a theoretically anchored design, an experienced team of teachers and tutors, a flexible and rich Learning Management System such as Moodle.

Which Learning Analytics for a socio-constructivist teaching and learning blended experience

The contribution describes and problematizes the use of learning analytics within a blended university course based on a socio-constructivist approach and aimed at constructing artefacts and knowledge. Specifically, the authors focus on the assessment system adopted in the course, deliberately inspired by the principles of formative assessment: an ongoing assessment in the form of feedback shared with the students, and which integrates the teacher’s assessment with self-assessment and peer-assessment.

Romanians’ Perceptions Regarding the Drivers of Social Venture. Evidence Based on AGER Data.

For many decades, entrepreneurship and making profit were seen interchangeable and almost impossible to separate. It has been widely assumed that entrepreneurs were perceived as mostly commercially driven and profit-oriented, with dividends shared among company shareholders. Recently, the emergent literature was beginning to question this representation of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs and discussion about society impact of entrepreneurial actions has been brought into the front page (Sepulveda 2015; Farmer et al. 2016). Austin et al. (Austin et al.

Measuring the contribution of higher education to innovation capacity in the EU

The general goals of the study include the provision of evidence on the key factors determining the contribution of higher education institutions (HEIs) to innovation capabilities and expand the understanding of this contribution beyond traditional measures of the role of HEI on innovation capabilities. In this context, the general objective of the study could be verbalised as “to develop a more comprehensive model of the contribution of higher education to innovation capacity”.

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