Development of a piezoelectric energy harvesting sensor: From concept to reality

This study focuses on the development and integrated design over a 24-month period of a high efficiency Energy Harvesting (EH) temperature sensor, based on piezoelectric materials, with applications for the sustainability of smart buildings, structures and infrastructures. The EH sensor, harvests the airflow inside Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, using a piezoelectric component and an appropriate customizable aerodynamic fin that takes advantage of specific air flow effects, and is implemented for optimizing the energy consumption in buildings.

New HVDC technology in Pan-European power system planning

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology will play a more central role in the future grid development than it had in the past due to the technological developments, the increasing use of renewable energy resources and the more ambitious European goals. These evolutions introduce new challenges in power transmission planning and have an impact on the choices of technology and the geographical location of interconnection projects.

Impianti termici negli edifici. Impianti di riscaldamento e condizionamento

Impianti termici negli edifici/Impianti di riscaldamento e condizionamento. Generalita - Scambi termoigrometrici tra corpo umano e ambiente - Condizioni di benessere - Condizioni esterne di riferimento - Impianti di riscaldamento - Calcolo di carichi termici - Corpi scaldanti - Distribuzione del calore - Impianti a circolazione forzata - Impianti a vapore a bassa pressione- Termoventilazione - Calcolo di carichi termici e portata di aria per

Individuazione degli scenari di esposizione professionale a formaldeide e valutazione dei livelli di esposizione per il personale sanitario del Policlinico Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

L’esposizione dei lavoratori ai vapori di formaldeide è un argomento centrale della letteratura scientifica, alla luce del riconoscimento da parte della IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) degli effetti cancerogeni per l’uomo.

Nature-Based Solution for Reducing CO2 Levels in Museum Environments. A Phytoremediation Study for the Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper

This work investigates the possibility of implementing a nature-based solution (NBS) based on the photosynthetic process of Laurus nobilis L. (common laurel), for reducing peak CO2 concentrations in an air-tight museum environment, namely the Refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church (Milan, Italy), home of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Last Supper”. The phytoremediation potential of laurel plants was evaluated at CO2 ≅ 1000 ppm under controlled environmental conditions.


The study on the functioning of HVAC systems and hydraulic circuits in buildings has highlighted the energy limits of a static management of the parameters that regulate them. The main recurring problems regard inadequate maintenance, failures, losses and malfunctions. With the development of new digital methodologies on the management of data flows (BIM and IoT) it has been demonstrated how the dynamic analysis of the sys-tems functioning parameters can lead to wide margins of improvement in terms of ener-gy use and containment of energy costs.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, microbial air contamination and surgical site infection in hip and knee arthroplasties: the GISIO-SItI Ischia study

BACKGROUND: Recenti studi hanno messo in discussione il ruolo del sistema unidirezionale di ventilazione del flusso d'aria nel ridurre l'infezione del sito chirurgico (SSI) nella chirurgia implantare protesica.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma