industrial and manufacturing engineering

Standardization framework on energy efficiency measuring and monitoring

Energy Efficiency is one of the cornerstones of European and International energy policy. Technical standardization can contribute to promote energy efficient technologies and solutions and ultimately to reach the targets of energy efficiency improvement and CO2 reduction. This paper provides an overview of the main existing technical standards in the domain of energy efficiency measurement and monitoring.

Towards a unified approach for Distributed Measurement System technologies

Many applications Internet-of-things (loT) based exploit Distributed Measurement System (DMS) to acquire data from sensors equipping objects or measurement instruments constituting the DMS nodes. The heterogeneity of the smart objects used to develop IoT applications has become a challenge in the design of the DMS, and very strong is the need to move towards new paradigm for programming and managing such systems. In fact, a current major limitation in the DMS development is the requirement of a deep knowledge about the different programming language and communication protocols.

Economic analysis of net metering regulations for residential consumers in Pakistan

Net metering is used to incentivize the distributed generation owners. It is introduced in Pakistan with the aim to promote the building integrated local generation. Presently, it is hard to find any study on the economic incentive indicators of the net metering policy for residential customers in Pakistan. This paper presents the economic evaluation of net metering benefits to the individual residential consumers in the presence of Building Integrated PV (BIPV) system under current net metering regulations in Pakistan.

Coordinated DTC and VOC control for PMSG based grid connected wind energy conversion system

This paper presents an output power smoothing method by a coordinate control of machine side converter and grid side converter for permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based wind energy conversion system (WECS). The WECS adopts medium voltage source converter with AC-DC-AC configuration. The output power fluctuations are compensated using direct torque control based maximum power point controller and voltage oriented control. The DC link voltage is controlled using grid side controller and the maximum power is extracted using the machine side controller of the wind turbine.

Designing a power control strategy in a microgrid using PID/fuzzy controller based on battery energy storage

Power stability based on energy storage systems to share the load between distributed generations (DG) in island mode is the main issue in the microgrids (MGs). Stability is an important component in energy management and planning of MG. At the first part of this article, definitions and stability issues classification are presented. In this article, power control based on active power method is analyzed. MG system control due to stability improvement in islanding mode (autonomous mode) after fault occurrence at the upstream network are been studying.

Flexibility assessment indicator for aggregate residential demand

In the modern power system, characterization of customer's demand plays a vital role for Demand Side Management. Demand flexibility information, extracted from the aggregate demand behaviour of customers, presents more comprehensive picture for the aggregator or system operator. There is an existence of diverse flexible time slots during a day in different time periods. Due to the diverse energy consumption behaviour of the residential customers, extraction of flexibility and its associated potential time durations is a challenging task.

An Adaptive Overcurrent Coordination Scheme to Improve Relay Sensitivity and Overcome Drawbacks due to Distributed Generation in Smart Grids

Distributed Generation (DG) brought new challenges for protection engineers since standard relay settings of traditional system may no longer function properly under increasing presence of DG. The extreme case is coordination loss between primary and backup relays. The directional overcurrent relay (DOCR) which is the most implemented protective device in the electrical network also suffers performance degradation in presence of DG.

Influence of LV neutral grounding on global earthing systems

International Standards define a Global Earthing System as an earthing net created interconnecting local Earthing Systems (generally through the shield of MV cables and/or bare buried conductors). In Italy the Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas requires Distributors to guarantee the electrical continuity of LV neutral conductor. This requirement has led to the standard practice of realizing “reinforcement groundings” along the LV neutral conductor path and at users’ delivery cabinet.

Replacing diesel generators with hybrid renewable power plants: Giglio smart island project

Electricity in small remote islands is generally supplied by diesel generators, leading to high energy cost and significant local pollution; the integration of renewable energy sources in such small networks is hindered by stability and reliability issues, as well as environmental constraints. The paper deals with the replacement of diesel generation in Giglio (a small island in the Tyrrhenian Sea), with an hybrid power plant which includes a photovoltaic power plant and a lithium battery energy storage system.

Design approaches for EHV OHL 'compact' tower grounding systems

The lightning performance of an EHV overhead transmission line (OHL) largely depends on tower grounding behavior; when high ground flash density values are expected, a proper design of grounding arrangements, focused on their high frequency behavior instead of the conventional power frequency analysis, can significantly reduce the backflashover rate (BFR) of the OHL. A technical optimization is reported, aiming at improving the BFR of an EHV OHL in Brazil, which crosses a region with widely different soil resistivity values, resulting in a compact tower grounding system design.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma