
Advertising in the IoT era: vision and challenges

The IoT extends the idea of interconnecting computers to a plethora of different devices, collectively referred to as smart devices. These are physical items, that is, »things», such as wearable devices, home appliances, and vehicles, enriched with computational and networking capabilities. Due to the huge set of devices involved, and therefore its pervasiveness, IoT is a great platform to leverage for building new applications and services or extending existing ones.

Optimal Management of Reusable Functional Blocks in 5G Superfluid Networks

We consider the problem of managing a 5G network composed of virtualized entities, called Reusable Functional Blocks (RFBs), as proposed by the Horizon 2020 SUPERFLUIDITY project. The RFBs are used to decompose network functions and services, and are deployed on top of physical nodes, in order to realize the 5G functionalities. After formally modelling the RFBs in a 5G network, as well as the physical nodes hosting them, we formulate the problem of managing the 5G network through the RFBs, in order to satisfy different Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to users.

MitImpact 3: modeling the residue interaction network of the Respiratory Chain subunits

Numerous lines of evidence have shown that the interaction between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes ensures the efficient functioning of the OXPHOS complexes, with substantial implications in bioenergetics, adaptation, and disease. Their interaction is a fascinating and complex trait of the eukaryotic cell that MitImpact explores with its third major release.

Towards an architecture to guarantee both data privacy and utility in the first phases of digital clinical trials

In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), drug developers can potentially access a wealth of real-world, participant-generated data that enable better insights and streamlined clinical trial processes. Protection of confidential data is of primary interest when it comes to health data, as medical condition influences daily, professional, and social life. Current approaches in digital trials entail that private user data are provisioned to the trial investigator that is considered a trusted party.

L’analisi mista: alla ricerca di fattori addizionali per la comprensione della dipendenza da tecnologie e media digitali

Il volume presenta e discute i risultati di un’indagine sociologica condotta su un campione di 3.302 studenti iscritti alle scuole secondarie superiori romane per indagare in profondità, secondo una prospettiva mista, i fattori di rischio – di natura sociale, relazionale e identitaria – che si connettono in modo caratteristico all’insorgenza di sintomi di dipendenza da tecnologie e media digitali tra gli adolescenti, con una specifica attenzione alle condizioni che rendono compulsivo e disfunzionale l’utilizzo di Internet, smartphone, social network, videogames e piattaforme di streaming.

Analisi integrata dei rischi di dipendenza da tecnologie e media digitali

Il volume presenta e discute i risultati di un’indagine sociologica condotta su un campione di 3.302 studenti iscritti alle scuole secondarie superiori romane per indagare in profondità, secondo una prospettiva mista, i fattori di rischio – di natura sociale, relazionale e identitaria – che si connettono in modo caratteristico all’insorgenza di sintomi di dipendenza da tecnologie e media digitali tra gli adolescenti, con una specifica attenzione alle condizioni che rendono compulsivo e disfunzionale l’utilizzo di Internet, smartphone, social network, videogames e piattaforme di streaming.

Technology Addiction in età adolescenziale. Elementi teorico-metodologici di precomprensione dell’indagine

Il volume presenta e discute i risultati di un’indagine sociologica condotta su un campione di 3.302 studenti iscritti alle scuole secondarie superiori romane per indagare in profondità, secondo una prospettiva mista, i fattori di rischio – di natura sociale, relazionale e identitaria – che si connettono in modo caratteristico all’insorgenza di sintomi di dipendenza da tecnologie e media digitali tra gli adolescenti, con una specifica attenzione alle condizioni che rendono compulsivo e disfunzionale l’utilizzo di Internet, smartphone, social network, videogames e piattaforme di streaming.

Educational value of surgical videos on YouTube. Quality assessment of laparoscopic appendectomy videos by senior surgeons vs. novice trainees

Background: To prepare for surgery, surgeons often recur to surgical videos, with YouTube being reported as the preferred source. This study aimed to compare the evaluation of three surgical trainees and three senior surgeons of the 25 most viewed laparoscopic appendectomy videos listed on YouTube. Additionally, we assessed the video conformity to the published guidelines on how to report laparoscopic surgery videos (LAP-VEGaS). Methods: Based on the number of visualization, the 25 most viewed videos on laparoscopic appendectomy uploaded on YouTube between 2010 and 2018 were selected.

PeachVar-DB: a curated collection of genetic variations for the interactive analysis of Peach Genome Data

Applying next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies to species of agricultural interest has the potential to accelerate the understanding and exploration of genetic resources. The storage, availability and maintenance of huge quantities of NGS-generated data remains a major challenge. The PeachVar-DB portal, available at, is an open-source catalog of genetic variants present in peach (Prunus persica L.

Broadband Internet and social capital

We study how the diffusion of broadband Internet affects social capital using two data
sets from the UK. Our empirical strategy exploits the fact that broadband access has long
depended on customers’ position in the voice telecommunication infrastructure that was
designed in the 1930s. The actual speed of an Internet connection, in fact, rapidly decays
with the distance of the dwelling from the specific node of the network serving its area.
Merging unique information about the topology of the voice network with geocoded

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