On Cellular Networks Supporting Healthcare Remote Monitoring in IoT Scenarios

In the next few years, fundamental technological transitions are expected both for wireless communications, soon resulting in the 5G era, and for the kind of pervasiveness that will be achieved thanks to the Internet of Things. The implementation of such new communication paradigms is expected to significantly revolutionize people’s lives, industry, commerce, and many daily activities. Healthcare applications are considered to be one of the most impacted industries.

Simplify Node-RED For End User Development in SeismoCloud

Networks of IoT devices often require configuration and definition of behavior by the final user. Node-RED is a flow-based programming platform commonly used for End User Development, but it requiresnetworking and protocols skills in order to be efficiently used. We add a level of abstraction to Node-REDnodes in order to allow non-skilled users to configure and control networks of IoT devices and onlineservices. We applied such abstractions to the SeismoCloud application for earthquake monitoring

SECY APP: self configuration and easy management for software defined smart homes

In this paper we address configuration and management issues of smart homes. Current platforms requires the user to deal with several management inconvenience problems, such as increasing devices, operating between devices, and using new devices. From a user perspective, system configuration and management are major issues: ordinary consumers want to use systems performing minimal configuration. To address this issue, we propose a platform, composed of a web application and Software Defined Network (SDN).

HyBloSE: Hybrid blockchain for secure-by-design smart environments

Although smart environments are a key component of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is also clear that billions connected doors, washing machines, ovens and others will ultimately raise security and privacy concerns. Early work in this area, as well as most of commercial solutions, has adopted a centralized client/server approach, neglecting the multitude of risks that are induced by an unfair control of the server side. This has made the adoption of a decentralized and trust-less framework quintessential to guarantee devices security.

Il progetto come volontà e rappresentazione:dai big data all’apprendimento collettivo

La presenza del digitale si pone oggi come un’istanza di orientamento del progetto di rigenerazione urbana per comprendere un contesto in trasformazione tecnologica, culturale, sociale, economica e ambientale e definire i contenuti di un rapporto uomo-natura destinato a offrire, attimo per attimo, modelli di esistenza individuale e collettiva considerati “i migliori applicabili”; e ciò avviene impercettibilmente, con fluidità, in una data-driven society, dove ogni manifestazione del reale si trova a essere assoggettata a una serie di operazioni che seguono criteri puntualmente definiti.

Mapping Public Space: Activating Outdoor Climate Control

This essay explores the phenomenon of the city mapping of the environmentally sustainable and resilient data and parameters relating to outdoor space in the urban area, adopting the complexity typical of an interdisciplinary perspective as an epistemological tool for a renewed exchange of knowledge between urban geography and climatic surveys within the area of studies of the architecture of intermediate spaces.

Scenarios for Educational and Game Activities using Internet of Things Data

Raising awareness among young people and changing their behavior and habits concerning energy usage and the environment is key to achieving a sustainable planet. The goal to address the global climate problem requires informing the population on their roles in mitigation actions and adaptation of sustainable behaviors. Addressing climate change and achieve ambitious energy and climate targets requires a change in citizen behavior and consumption practices.

Citizens Vote to Act: smart contracts for the management of water resources in smart cities

Smart cities leverage Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance the quality of urban services. However, it is nowadays clear that the success of a smart city largely depends on the level of engagement of its citizens. In this paper we explore to what extent disruptive blockchain technologies can be used to incentivise the democratic participation of citizen. The investigated approach extends the standard IoT cycle 1) sense data, 2) cloudify and elaborate them, and 3) push information to the users.

IoT for BPMers. Challenges, Case Studies and Successful Applications

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) refers to a network of connected and interacting devices (e.g., sensors, actuators) collecting and exchanging data over the Internet. In the last years, we have witnessed an increasing presence of IoT devices in scenarios of the Business Process Management (BPM) domain, which can strongly influence the coordination of the real-world entities (e.g., humans, robots) that execute specific tasks or entire business processes in such environments.

Observation and analysis of environmental factors of surface waters: An internet of things educational approach

Aquatic environment plays an extremely important role in the existence of life on Earth. However, aquatic ecosystems are directly at risk from increasing pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss, which makes it more than necessary to keep them constantly and thoroughly monitored. In this paper, the implementation of a STEM educational practice using the Internet of Things (IoT) systems, together with properly Design-Based Learning (DBL) activities, is presented to inquiry aquatic environments.

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