
The (in)visibility of archaeology

The contribution reflects on the role of the modern archaeologists as receivers as well as transmitters of ancient Near Eastern material culture, dealing with aspects of reception, reconstruction, and revival of these remains from the past.The primary sources used include drawings, photographs, site reconstructions, and even academic reports on the organization of archaeological campaigns. The contribution, then, provides not only a historiographical approach to archaeology, but also a reflection on the current praxis and deontology of the profession.

The prehistory and protohistory of the northwestern region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Preliminary results from the first survey campaigns

This paper presents a preliminary assessment of the prehistoric and protohistoric periods investigated by the Udine University in collaboration with the Sapienza University of Rome and the Duhok Directorate of Antiquities in the region of Northern Kurdistan (Iraq). The investigated area features different geographical units, such as mountains, piedmont areas, intermontane basins and valleys, and the alluvial plains of the Tigris River and its tributaries, each of which has different types of vegetation, soils and natural resources.

Preliminary report of the first archaeological campaign at Tell Zurghul / Nigin in the Dhi Qar Region, Iraq

In 2015, the joint Italian expedition of the Università degli Studi di Perugia and Sapienza Università di Roma started the exploration of the site of Tell
Zurghul in the province of Dhi Qar, in southern Iraq. Tell Zurghul, a site of nearly 70 hectares, is located about 7 km south-east from Lagash and corresponds to the ancient Sumerian city of Nigin (formerly written as Nina).

Raman identification of cuneiform tablet pigments. Emphasis and colour technology in ancient Mesopotamian mid-third millennium

In the modern age, there is a large number of ways to manage a written text, from bolding or underlining some words with the preferred PC editing software down to animated gifs or emoticons for short edited text of mobile messaging and social posting. The task is to catch the eye and rapidly convey the important message.

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