
Performance as embodied narratives in young Italian muslim women

This paper presents a theoretical framework, which conceptualizes Muslims women everyday life with particular reference to the body and the intimate sphere. The paper has two main objectives. The first, more relevant, is to clarify the concept of performance, which is described as a narrative form that primarily calls into question the body and which appears as a mimetic rather than conceptual reflexivity (Lash, 1993).

L’Islam e la sua rappresentazione nella cultura italiana

Different groups of citizens from Latium region, distributed by gender and age, and belonging to the medium-high socio-economic-cultural class, were asked in 2002, 2004 and 2005 to express what was coming to their mind, their associations and fantasies about Islam and islamic populations. The data were processed
with the Emotional Text Analysis. The results of these three research studies are presented, which show a progressive accentuation of the pejorative stereotypes towards the islamic populations.

Une langue islamique postmoderne ? L’émergence d’un « français d’islam »

By introducing his notion of “Islamic languages”, Alessandro Bausani (1921-88) argued that in the late modern era, the dynamics hitherto connecting the languages of Muslims experienced a U-turn as a result of the impact of nationalisms and of the growing influence of colonial languages. However, more recently, an increasing number of Muslim actors have appropriated, in turn, former colonial languages for Islamic religious writings and discourses.

Fanatismi e guerra civile mondiale. I mutamenti della politica globale tra diritto, religione e economia

Tentare di mettere a fuoco il peso della religione nell’attuale situazione politica internazionale è la questione al centro di questo saggio, che implica un confronto con gli enormi mutamenti geo-politici in atto, sia sul piano del diritto, che su quello dell’economia. Il problema che viene investigato è se ed eventualmente in che misura sia possibile definire un ruolo politico della religione negli odierni sviluppi globali.

Display di genere e autodeterminazione tra rassegnazione e r-esistenze. Una ricerca qualitativa sulle donne di nuova generazione in Italia

In questo contributo si propone un’analisi sull’agency delle giovani donne islamiche residenti in Italia, a partire dai vissuti e dalle esperienze quotidiane narrati in 88 interviste. A fungere da espediente per stimolare i racconti era un’osservazione sul fatto che le protagoniste indossassero o meno il velo.

Challenging the models of terrorism discourse in the news. European and islamic values in the french and italian press

The aim of this paper is to reflect on the social role of European journalists as they cover the issue of terrorism, which is a potential threat to European society itself. For this purpose, the paper presents the results of a qualitative media content analysis related to the news coverage of the aftermath of three major terrorist attacks. Specifically, the research focuses on the values involved in the coverage of the event rather than on the strict report of what happened.

N. inv. 622, fragment en verre

This unpublished fragment of a glass disk bears the name and title of the Umayyad caliph Hish?m b. ‘Abd al-Malik (105-125 AH / AD 724-743). It is of a new type, different from the few other ones known with his name. The inscriptions on the comparanda attest that Hish?m issued various type of glasses (coin weights, vessel stamps and tokens), in different colours (yellow, bluish-green and green). The fragment is most likely a coin weight, but a more precise description is prevented by its incomplete state, and the absence of another identical specimen.

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