
The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP): A Strategy to Protect Cultural Heritage in Jordan

This paper is an introduction to a new Museum project to protect, restore, and preserve the cultural heritage of the Madaba Region - the endangered antiquities sites in the city, and the artifactual collection from the regional excavations. The paper discusses MRAMP’s focus
on community archaeology and community engagement, the innovative design to safeguard heritage by encompassing an ancient site within a Museum, and the impact this project will have on the cultural, social, and economic life of the community.

Deeper understandings. A trench through the Bronze Age deposits at Khirbat Hamra Ifdan

Il paper presenta i risultati degli scavi del Barqa Landscape Project, diretto da Russell Adams, a Khirbat Hamra Ifdan nel 2013 e discute l'evidenza di occupazione del sito nel Bronzo Antico II-III in relazione alle fasi e allo sviluppo dell'estrazione e della metallurgia del rame in questa regione della Giordania nelle fasi urbane del Bronzo Antico.

Qalet Hamra: a Mamluk khan north of Zarqa, Jordan

The site of Qalet Hamra was well known in Zarqa but it never attracted archaeologists and surveyors until a few years ago, possibly due to its location on a spur dominating the bifurcations between Wadi az-Zarqa and Wadi Shomar, a sort of shortcut leading straight ward to the west, in direction of the Jordan Valley. Moreover it was nearby a major ford across the river, which both banks were caravan tracks in antiquity.

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