
Sources and uses of knowledge in a dynamic network technology

We estimate a dynamic network technology where new knowledge in the form of publications in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is an intermediate product. Knowledge is produced in the first stage of production and is used in the second stage of production to produce a final output of real consumption, which equals gross domestic product minus investment spending on physical capital minus research and development expenditures. Knowledge also spills over between producers as it becomes disseminated.

Adherence to Vaccination Policy among Public Health Professionals. Results of a National Survey in Italy

Starting from 2013, the number of unvaccinated people alarmingly increased in Italy; therefore, in 2017 a new Vaccine National Plan was approved. Healthcare workers (HCWs), especially public health professionals (PHPs, i.e., workers in in the sector of hygiene and preventive medicine), have an important role in informing and promoting vaccinations.

Understanding Knowledge and Behaviors Related to CoViD?19 Epidemic in Italian Undergraduate Students: The EPICO Study

Background: On February 2020, the novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) epidemic began in Italy.
In order to contain the spread of the virus, the Italian government adopted emergency measures
nationwide, including closure of schools and universities, workplaces and subsequently lockdown.
This survey was carried out among Italian undergraduates to explore their level of knowledge
about the epidemic and the behaviors they adopted during the lockdown. Methods: An electronic

Knowledge and participation. Moving towards scientific citizenship

The scientific and technological progress of the first modernity developed through the centralization of intel- ligence, power and risk control, which was concentrated in technical structures comprising technicians, special- ist, decision makers. One of the challenges of the modern knowledge society is the development of more appropriate forms of democratic participation to incorporate scientific innovation and technology through an expansion of citizenship rights.

Socrate all’origine di un punto di svolta. Foucault e il predominio del “conosci te stesso”

The aim of this essay is to focus the figure of Socrates in Foucault’s Course of 1981-1982, The Hermeneutics of the Subject, with particular attention to the reasons why the Delphic maxim “know yourself ” (gnothi seautòn) took precedence over the Lacedaemonian maxim “take care of yourself ” (epimelei heautoù) in the “Plato’s Socrates”. A process that has characterized philosophy since its inception, with a decisive change in what Foucault calls the “Cartesian moment”.

The noetic account of scientific progress and the factivity of understanding

There are three main accounts of scientific progress: 1) the epistemic account, according to which an episode in science constitutes progress when there is an increase in knowledge; 2) the semantic account, according to which progress is made when the number of truths increases; 3) the problem-solving account, according to which progress is made when the number of problems that we are able to solve increases. Each of these accounts has received several criticisms in the last decades.

«La conoscenza rende liberi». La biblioteconomia di Giovanni Solimine

Il contributo ripercorre alcuni temi fondamentali della riflessione scientifica di Giovanni Solimine a
partire dal libro Percorsi e luoghi della conoscenza. Dialogando con Giovanni Solimine su biblioteche,
lettura e società, curato da Giovanni Di Domenico, Giovanni Paoloni e Alberto Petrucciani (Bibliografica,
2016). Vengono presentati due diversi livelli di lettura di tale volume, dai quali scaturisce una riflessione
sulla biblioteconomia: a essa oggi non spetta soltanto il compito di progettare e di individuare gli

Knowledge at work in neighborhood planning

The paper tells the story of different experiences in the historical centre of Rome with the involvement of the inhabitants. Among the others, it focuses on the experiences of the Pallning Laboratory of the Ist Municipality of Rome and of Monti Social Network in the rione Monti (neighborhhod). It explains the role of the knowledge produced by the inhabitants, their capability of action, the collaboration with the University, the engagement of a group of researchers in a process of action-research.

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