late bronze age

The Malatya plain in the network of interregional relations in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages

The site of Arslantepe, known from the Hittite and Assyrian cuneiform sources as Melid/Mal(i)tiya, has always represented a natural crossroad of the rugged thoroughfares cutting through eastern Anatolia. In political and cultural terms, the settlement has been both an interface and a frontier with different cultural and political entities all through the long history of the site.

Cannatello, Sicily. The connective history of the LBA central Mediterranean hub

The paper highlights the importance of the site of Cannatello (Agrigento, Sicily), as one of the connective hubs of the LBA Mediterranean, both in the booming phase and in the crisis years. The presence of exotic pottery is described through archaeometric analysis and a tentative sequence of growth in relevance of the different connections is proposed, on the basis of the preliminary review of the excavations. It is argued that Cannatello shows the growing involvement of western actors in the LBA Mediterranean scenario.

Confini geografici e temporali permeabili fra Bronzo Recente e Bronzo Finale nell'Italia centro-meridionale adriatica

This paper aims at re-examining two intertwined problems: the possible regional coexistence of human groups that developed distinctive cultural traits as a mean to identify themselves on one hand, and, on the other hand, that related to
the chronological shift among specific regional sequences in central and southern eastern Italy during the Late Bronze
Age. Moreover, the authors discuss the intrinsic risk of using chronological terms homogeneously encompassing the

Nuove ricerche nell'abitato della tarda età del Bronzo di Monte Croce Guardia (Arcevia-AN). Scavi 2015-2016

Il contributo illustra i risultati ottenuti negli scavi 2015-2016 condotti dall'Università Sapienza di Roma presso l'abitato del Bronzo Finale di Monte Croce Guardia. Particolarmente rilevanti sono i resti strutturali pertinenti ad alcune abitazioni grandi fino a 100 mq e atelier artigianali soprattutto relativi a metallurgia e tessitura.

L'area sacra di Daba (Musandam, Oman, II-I millennio a.C.). I morti oltre la morte. L'analisi tafonomica e l'interpretazione dei processi culturali e naturali sulle ossa di LCG2.

The site of Daba is a burial complex of great importance formed by numerous large collective graves containing hundreds of individuals each, accompanied by thousands of valuable goods. Daba is located on the east coast of Musandam Peninsula (Oman) and is surrounded by several Iron Age sites including both settlements and burial complex, as Tel Abrak, Masafi and Hili as settlements, Jebel Buhais, Shimal and Asimah as burial complex.

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