
Panteles zōion e pantelōs on: Vita, anima e movimento intellegibile nel Timeo (e nel Sofista)

In this article, I try to propose some reflections about the nature and status of the intelligible
in the Timaeus, particularly with respect to its features of a properly being and
above all vital reality. The attribution of “life” and “vitality” to the intelligible certainly
has an analogical character, that is, it depends on the consideration of the sensible:
since the cosmos is a sensible living being and is a copy of an intelligible model, then
the intelligible model must be configured as an intelligible living being. Now, to be

Longitudinal relations among positivity, perceived positive school climate, and prosocial behavior in colombian sdolescents

Bidirectional relations among adolescents' positivity, perceived positive school climate, and prosocial behavior were examined in Colombian youth. Also, the role of a positive school climate in mediating the relation of positivity to prosocial behaviors was tested. Adolescents (N=151; M-age of child in Wave 1=12.68, SD=1.06; 58.9% male) and their parents (N=127) provided data in two waves (9months apart). A model of bidirectional relations between positivity and perceived positive school climate emerged.

‘Movimento, vita, anima e intelligenza’: la σεμνοτησ del παντελωσ ον nel Sofista platonico. Nota a margine di P.-M. Morel, L’argomento della ‘venerabilità dell’essere’ e la sua fortuna

In this note I discuss Pierre-Marie Morel’s article L’argomento della ‘venerabilità dell’essere’ e la sua fortuna published in this same volume (see pp. 11-26) on Soph. 248e-249a, trying to develop his interpretation of this passage and the conception of being it implies. I also examine Morel’s reconstruction of some steps of the exegetical history and reception of this passage in the history of Ancient Platonism, with reference to Aristotle and Plotinus.

Elogio dell’imprecisione

This is a note on what philosophy can do if it takes a postcritical attitude. It begins with a juxtaposition of literature and philosophy and explains both what they share and what the latter can do better than the former. The main claim is that postcritical philosophy can enter life in a way that philosophy is no longer used to doing insofar as it ties up with other disciplines.

Mente e linguaggio animale in Claude Perrault (1613-1688)

This paper considers Claude Perrault’s views on animal language
and cognition, one of the leader members of the early Parisian Académie
royale des Sciences, where comparative anatomy emerged in the late seventeenth
century. Perrault rejects both the Cartesian hypothesis of beasts as
mere automata and of the Pineal Gland as siège de l’âme within the human
brain. He conceives the animal soul as an immaterial and cognitive agent
spread in the whole body, involved in the functional regulation of the all life

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