Luigi Moretti

Exhibit Design for Architecture: A Non-Digital Method for the Inclusive Communication of an Architecture

This chapter introduces a novel method of communication, based on an analytical and analogical factfinding
journey, aimed at comprehending an architectural design for a more extended and inclusive
usership, in particular for visually impaired and blind people. The study focuses on the communication
aspects of architecture and the methodology considered effective in architectural criticism, with the
aim of attaining deep and real understanding of those principles that represent its tangible expression.

Application of a digital framework towards the comprehension and restoration of the thin marble envelope of the ‘Casa delle Armi’ built cultural heritage

"Casa delle Armi” by Luigi Moretti (1934-37), is the first modern building in Rome cladded in marble; its cladding was a reference for the architectural production in Italy, before the Second World War. The envelope is nowadays in need of urgent restoration. However, the strategy of intervention is not yet clear, due to technical problems and conflicting requirements.

Decima "quartiere d'autore". Una lettura orientata al progetto

Decima è un quartiere che nasce da una visione ‘colta’ del progetto della residenza: un quartiere, cioè, che risolve il problema del fabbisogno abitativo con una proposta non solo di tipi, ma di luoghi. Ma soprattutto, è un quartiere in cui il disegno degli spazi e della forma urbana deriva dalla mano di un solo autore-architetto o, se si preferisce, dalla mano di un gruppo riconoscibile di autori, fortemente guidati dall’intenzione figurativa di chi ne ha governato il disegno di impianto.

Revisiting the “M Stadium” project by Luigi Moretti. A forgotten model of parametric architecture

Nowadays the term parametric modeling refers to a computer-aided design process where digital representation and interactive computation allow designers to have complete freedom on their designs’ form and sometimes behavior. However, the term historically did not reflect such a freedom.

L’involucro in marmo della casa delle armi di Luigi Moretti. Una sfida tecnica ancora in corso

The “Casa delle Armi” by Architect Luigi Moretti, even if strongly impacted by time and modifications performed during the 70s, is one of the most relevant works of Italian Rationalism. The external Carrara marble envelope of the building significantly characterizes this architectural work. Such envelope, even though apparently similar to those of many coeval buildings, actually displays very peculiar and unique technical and aesthetical choices. Starting from the construction phase, the technical choices led to many challenges and favored the decay of the stone cladding.

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