Made in Italy
La formazione del sistema moda italiano. Industria, istituzioni, innovazioni e family business
Il sistema moda italiano, inteso come l’insieme dei settori a monte e a valle che producono beni destinati a “vestire la persona”, e composto dalle industrie tessili e dell’abbigliamento, dall’industria della pelle, delle calzature, dell’occhialeria, della cosmetica e della gioielleria, prende forma negli anni settanta del XX secolo, in concomitanza con la nascita dei distretti industriali. Esso costituisce uno dei pochi cluster di settori in cui l’Italia vanta oggi una solida tradizione e un consolidato vantaggio competitivo a livello internazionale.
History, creativity and innovation of the ‘Italia’ network. the case of Russia
This article highlights essential issues concerning Italy’s role in the world as a source of innovation and creativity through the analysis of important Russian-Italian relations and cooperation, which date back from the 14th century. The period focussed upon in this paper is the last twenty years. Migration statistics are used to describe the intellectual migration from Italy to Russia in the years from 1997 to 2016.
La disponibilità a pagare per il Made in Italy. Una ricerca empirica su alcuni prodotti nel settore alimentare
Il presente contributo ha l’obiettivo di analizzare l’atteggiamento del consumatore nei confronti dei prodotti Made in Italy, con riferimento specifico ai sistemi valoriali che influenzano l’acquisto dei seguenti prodotti alimentari: olio extravergine di oliva, carne e pesce.
The willingness to pay in the food sector. Testing the hypothesis of consumer preferences for some made in Italy products
Previous publications have shown that Italian consumers are willing to pay a premium price for certain categories of Made in Italy products. The premium price has proven to be higher in the food sector. This study provides an extensive literature review on the topic and aims to test a hypothesis regarding consumer preferences towards some Made in Italy food products of mass consumption (olive oil, meat and fish), with specific reference to the value systems that influence the purchase.
The attitude of consumers towards “Made in Italy” products. An empirical analysis among Italian customers
The paper is part of a wider research aimed at studying consumer’s attitude towards “Made in Italy” products through empirical investigation. The research questions addressed are: 1) Does recognition in terms of the qualitative characterization of “Made in Italy” products exist? And if yes, 2) Is there a willingness to pay, in quantitative terms, a premium price for such products?
Made in Italy 4.0
Storicamente Made in Italy era un’espressione in lingua inglese apposta dai produttori italiani, specie dagli anni Ottanta in poi, nell'ambito di un processo di rivalutazione e difesa dell'italianità del prodotto, al fine di contrastare la falsificazione della produzione artigianale e industriale italiana, soprattutto nei quattro tradizionali settori di moda: abbigliamento, cibo, arredamento e meccanica (automobili, disegno industriale, macchinari e navi), che in italiano erano noti anche come le quattro A: Abbigliamento, Agroalimentare, Arredamento e Automobili; settori che rappresentano i
Sharing «Made in Italy». Intesa Sanpaolo Bank’s cultural communication around World Expo 2015
A strategic partnership sealed the collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo Bank and World Expo 2015, hosted by Italy in Milan. The participation in such global mega-event was supported by a multichannel communication and public relations campaign celebrating an innovative representation of the “Made in Italy” concept applied to the banking sector.
Valorisation of Grappa GI: new approaches for the protection of Made in Italy
Grappa is a Geographical Indication (GI) allowed by the EC Regulation no.110 of 2008 only for Italian-made grape marc spirit. To assess the authenticity of a beverage symbol of the Made in Italy, samples of Grappa GI and Italian spirits obtained from the distillation of other fruits or cereals were analysed.
Made in Italy between «invention» and tradition. The hi-storytelling of past advertising and communication campaigns in the context of corporate historical archives and museums
The paper discusses some explorative research investigating the creative re-use of past advertising and communication campaigns in the context of corporate historical archives and museums.