missionary linguistics

Lessico e dizionari: il contributo dei missionari e studiosi occidentali alla terminologia tecnica e scientifica del cinese tardo Qing

Lessico e dizionari: il contributo dei missionari e studiosi occidentali alla terminologia tecnica e scientifica del cinese tardo Qing

L'obiettivo della ricerca proposta è catalogare una porzione del lessico tecnico e scientifico del cinese contenuto all'interno della produzione lessicografica bilingue stilata da missionari e studiosi occidentali tra il 1815 e il 1911, concentrandosi su una di tali opere, particolarmente significativa per il ruolo da essa svolta.

CHIN-DICTIONARY - Brollo's Dictionarium sinico-latinum: linguistic innovations, textual connections, and trans-cultural translation

CHIN-DICTIONARY - Brollo's Dictionarium sinico-latinum: linguistic innovations, textual connections, and trans-cultural translation

The focus of the project CHIN-DICTIONARY is the Dictionarium sinico-latinum (Chinese-Latin dictionary) by the Franciscan missionary Basilio Brollo (1648–1704); for a long time, only manuscript copies circulated, which were highly praised as an essential instrument for the study of Chinese. The role of the dictionary was deemed so important that projects to publish it were conceived but, after these plans failed, it was plagiarised in a revised form.

“The John Fryer Papers: State of the art and new perspectives"

The John Fryer Papers (FP) are a fundamental archival resource. In the introduction of the article, the author briefly summarises the history of the FP and of their cataloguing; then, in the first chapter, he draws a brief summary of how the FP have been employed in secondary literature. In the second chapter, an outlook of the most important contents of the FP is sketched and further research perspectives are highlighted, with a particular focus on the fields of missionary linguistics and of cultural interactions between the West and China.

Catechismi ad usum Vicariatus Nankinensis Versio Latina 翻字

The work presented is the analysis, study, translation into and from Chinese of a late Qing China lexicographical previously unpublished work, a catechism published in Latin with the transcription of Chinese pronunciation. Starting from the transcription, the author provided the whole text in Chinese, annotated the text, translated the preface and pointed out its sources.
The text represents a unique instrument for all scholars interested in the topic of Nanjing guanhua, the history of foreign missions in China, linguistic missionary and the cultural interactions in the late Qing.

Dictionarium Latino Nankinense 翻字

The work presented is the analysis, study, translation into and from Chinese of a late Qing China lexicographical previously unpublished text; a Latin-Chinese dictionary. The author has reconstructed the phonetical annotation, the Chinese characters as annotated by the original author and the Latin entries; the author has also annotated the texts, translating the prefaces and pointing out its sources.


The book is a collection of essays originally presented in a 2011 workshop on Chinese missionary linguistics that was organized in Rome. Missionary linguistics examines the language tools (grammars, exercise books, vocabularies) as developed by missionaries from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century in China. The volume is divided into three sections: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. The papers are mainly based on archival materials, Russian archival sources are of special interest as they are little known among western scholars.

Chinese Missionary Linguistics

The book is a collection of essays originally presented in a 2011 workshop on Chinese missionary linguistics that was organized in Rome. Missionary linguistics examines the language tools (grammars, exercise books, vocabularies) as developed by missionaries from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century in China. The volume is divided into three sections: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. The papers are mainly based on archival materials, Russian archival sources are of special interest as they are little known among western scholars.

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