
Between modernism and nationalism. Hungarian literature and the search for national identity

The volume edits papers on "Dynamics and Policies of Prejudice from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Century", collecting contributions in parts devoted to "The Impact of Modernization: Old and New Bias in the Age of Transition", "The Anti-Semitic Disease: From Prejudice to Annihilation", "Shaping Identities and National Consciousness", "Ethnic and Religious Conflicts", "Balkanization", "The Russian Neighbour", "Multidisciplinary Perspectives", "A Question of Gender" and "Dealing with Prejudice: Responses and Analysis of Discrimination".

Corpi, Design, postumano. Modernità, ancora? Bodies, Design, Posthuman. Modernity, again?

Il contributo si interroga sulle ragioni e sulla necessità di un
ripensamento e di una rivalutazione delle idee programmatiche
della modernità che il postmoderno ha ricusato in toto senza
distinguere la radice sana dalle distorsioni e dalle mistificazioni,
decretando la fine della storia, del progresso lineare e dei
principi di veridicità. Recentemente, in particolare nell’ambito
delle discipline storiche e filosofiche, è stata ravvisata
l’insufficienza teoretica della postmodernità, la cui crisi

Luther and the Revolution of the Individual

The work focuses the legacy of Luther of man as “individual singularity” -according to the nominalist model- but in his original representation, now understood as completely self-centered, turned only towards himself and the objects of his concupiscence and, for that reason, capable only of evil. This representation produces the idea of specularity between God and man and, methodologically, the introduction of an oppositive dialectic, wich leads to the modern paradigm of interhuman compulsory conflict

Dialectic of separation. Judaism and philosophy in the work of Salomon Munk

Oltre a rendere possibile la riscoperta di uno dei pionieri dello studio della filosofia araba, islamica ed ebraica medievale riempiendo una lacuna della storiografia filosofica moderna e contemporanea, il libro mette in questione la validità delle categorie di Oriente e Occidente e riconsidera l'influenza che queste categorie hanno avuto sulla formazione del canone filosofico in epoca moderna e contemporanea, inserendosi nel più attuale dibattito internazionale su questi temi. Il carattere interdisciplinare del libro è determinato dalla natura del soggetto.

The social construction of the parisienne. Reflections in contemporary popular publishing on a historical icon of feminility

The image of the Parisienne incorporates values and meanings close to those ideas of progress, style, natural elegance and femininity required by women in the modern age. This image does not reference a ‘pacified’ femininity but appears at first glance to be ‘breaking the mould’, aiming to supplant the image of the traditional woman and bring radical innovation to customs and lifestyles after the ‘prudish’ Victorian era.

The Italian ‘Seventies: tracing the origins of Italian modernity

The contributors deal with several ‘facets’ of the Italian seventies. Simona Colarizi provides an overview of the decade, analysing in particular the categories of movements, reforms, democracy, and transition. The article by Eugenio Capozzi focuses on the growing sentiment of hostility towards professional politicians, taking into account its origins and causes.

On Daniel Solomon’s life-long work on ‘City of Love versus City of Hope’

Cities of layered history and the new neighborhoods replacing or expanding
the traditional urban fabric are the major interests of Daniel Solomon during his lifelong
career as architect and scholar. His early interest in the European and Italian
culture of cities is grounded in UC Berkeley academic environment and in the living
urban lesson of the city of San Francisco.

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