
Multiculturalismo e rappresentanza

Le odierne società liberaldemocratiche hanno incontrato da diversi decenni in Occidente il fenomeno della presenza di diverse gruppi culturali, linguistici e religiose, fra loro spesso estranei. La riflessione teorico-politica attuale deve confrontarsi col multiculturalismo inteso come politica di riconoscimento delle differenze da parte delle istituzioni. La cittadinanza moderna, legata allo stato moderno culturalmente omogeneo, è entrata in declino.

Whither the state? On Santi Romano’s The legal order

This essay foregrounds the relevance of Italian jurist Santi Romano’s theorizing to today’s political and legal debates on the relation between state and non-state laws. As Romano’s classic book L’ordinamento giuridico (1917–1918) has finally been translated into English, the Anglophone readership can take stock of one of the most enlightening contributions to institutional thinking in the last centuries.

The pretext of veil. A research on the conceptions of gender and mixed relations of Islamic young women and men living in Italy

Migrant families and second generations play a key-role in present European change concerning gender orders. Their efforts whether to adapt themselves to western mentalities and lifestyles or to preserve their own traditions and identities unavoidably overlap and impact on the struggles on opening or closing gender relations, by reintroducing rigid identities and dichotomies in continuously transforming societies, by contrasting the blurring of boundaries, by proposing new meanings and perspectives in conceiving women and men.

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