
SapienzaTerahertz: THz spectroscopic image system for basic and applied sciences


The laboratory is equipped with

a state of the art Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) THz sources with emission powers in the mW range and between (1.9-5) THz;

a state of the art 2D sensor composed of microbolometers at room temperature (and other pyroelectric sensors).

a high resolution (down to 10 MHz) coherent spectroscopy system at THz frequencies composed by a combination of photoantennas and IR lasers in optical fiber.


Hidden gratings in holographic liquid crystal polymer-dispersed liquid crystal films

Dynamic diffraction gratings that are hidden in the field-off state are fabricated utilizing a room-temperature photocurable liquid crystal (LC) monomer and nematic LC (NLC) using holographic photopolymerization techniques. These holographic LC polymer-dispersed LCs (HLCPDLCs) are hidden because of the refractive index matching between the LC polymer and the NLC regions in the as-formed state (no E-field applied).

Thermoplasmonic activated reverse-mode liquid crystal gratings

A new generation of reconfigurable optical components is conceived by bridging the photothermal properties of gold nanoparticles and the thermosensitivity of liquid crystalline materials. As such, gold nanorods (GNRs) heated using light are used to activate efficient hidden diffraction gratings realized in a blend made of a room temperature polymerizable liquid crystal (PLC) and nematic liquid crystal (NLC).

Stimuli responsive diffraction gratings in soft-composite materials

Diffraction gratings (DGs) are unique optical components with the capability to control and address a travelling light wave because of their micro/nanoscale periodicity. Nowadays, DGs are used in several sophisticated and high-tech applications such as spectrometers, memories, as well as in bioengineering and telecommunications. Advanced micro and nano fabrication processes enable the realization of DGs with excellent morphological and optical properties.

Cycloidal diffractive waveplates fabricated using a high-power diode-pumped solid-state laser operating at 532 nm

Diffractive waveplates (DWs) are highly efficient optical components realized by means of a polarization holography setup that makes use of UV/blue laser sources. It is more convenient to perform the holographic recording process with green lasers (e.g., continuous wave operating at 532 nm) because they offer compactness, efficiency, and high power. Unfortunately, the photo-alignment materials used forDWfabrication exhibit limited sensitivity at 532 nm.

Geometric phase diffractive waveplate singularity arrays

A general geometric phase singularity array structure is presented and discussed. For any two-dimensional point lattice, a singularity array is defined as a summation of helical phase singularities with alternating handedness. The phase angle is the slow-axis orientation of a varying half-waveplate. Arrays are demonstrated in photoaligned polymer liquid crystal films. Simple square and biomimetic spiral lattices are characterized for diffraction behavior. Pattern selection rules based on topological charge are discovered.

Polymer dispersed liquid crystals

Low molar mass liquid crystals (LCs) are typically not soluble in polymer systems to any great degree. When the two different materials are mixed, this leads to two-phase systems whose morphology depends on a variety of factors including, primarily, the concentration. The resulting two-phase structures can have inclusions with nanometer through macroscopic dimensions. Although there are a large number of variants, these structures are generically called 'polymer dispersed liquid crystals' (PDLCs) when the resulting morphologies lead to systems that scatter light.

Thermo-plasmonic killing of Escherichia coli TG1 bacteria

Plasmonic photo-thermal therapy (PPTT) is a minimally invasive, drug-free, therapy based on the properties of noble metal nanoparticles, able to convert a bio-transparent electromagnetic radiation into heat. PPTT has been used against cancer and other diseases. Herein, we demonstrate an antimicrobial methodology based on the properties of gold nanorods (GNRs). Under a resonant laser irradiation GNRs become highly efficient light to heat nano-converters extremely useful for PPTT applications.

Plasmon-mediated discrete diffraction behaviour of an array of responsive waveguides

We investigate the discrete diffraction phenomenon in a Polymer-Liquid Crystal-Polymer Slices (POLICRYPS) overlaying a random distribution of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs, plasmonic elements). We study the propagation of a CW green laser beam through the waveguide structure as a function of beam polarization, laser intensity and sample temperature. It turns out that the plasmonic field created at the interface between AuNPs and POLICRYPS waveguides enables and stabilizes the optical field propagation within the responsive nematic liquid crystal channels.

Biomimetic keratin gold nanoparticle-mediated in vitro photothermal therapy on glioblastoma multiforme

Aim: To realize and characterize a new generation of keratin-coated gold nanoparticles (Ker-AuNPs) as highly efficient photosensitive nanosized therapeutics for plasmonic photothermal (PPT) therapy. Materials & methods: The chemical, physical, morphological and photothermal properties of Ker-AuNPs are investigated using dynamic light scattering, ζ-potential, UV–Visible, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and high-resolution thermography.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma