
Introduction to electromagnetic scattering, part II: tutorial

In this paper, some generalizations of electromagnetic scattering problems by elementary shapes are presented. In
particular, the aim of the paper is to provide solutions to the scattering problem by multiple objects with simple
shapes, either in concentric configuration or arbitrarily distributed in the space. The vector harmonics, representing
the fields, and their properties are applied in order to solve five different problems: the electromagnetic

Resource allocation in a multi-color DS-OCDMA VLC cellular architecture

In this paper we present two resource allocations techniques in a visible light communication network with overlapping coverage areas due to the use of access points. Particularly, the first approach exploits the rate maximization criteria, and then aims at maximizing the network rate under constraints on minimum and maximum rates, while the other procedure focuses on achieving fairness in the rate of each user accessing the network. The proposed system relays on optical code division multiple access mechanism, and resource allocation is intended in terms of codes assigned to a given user.

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